'Small is effective and God blesses in many ways'
Joys and challenges were shared at the latest small church hub, which was planted in Leyland, Lancashire
Twenty-one people from four churches enjoyed fellowship over cake and tea on 9 March. We had a time of sung worship and prayer together, then were reminded from scripture that God often uses small things for His glory (David victorious over Goliath, Gideon’s small army winning) or multiplies small things (the lad’s picnic, yeast, mustard seeds). Small is effective and God blesses in many ways.
Luke 12:32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom."
Each church shared their joys which included welcoming new people including some asylum seekers, and having various words and pictures brought during a week of prayer.
One church celebrated having a youth group of 15, seven of whom were baptised recently, and a number of preachers within the congregation.
One church has recently started leadership and communications courses and has regular prayer to underpin all activities.
Another church celebrated God’s goodness in providing finances – the minister came in 2007, knowing the church only had enough money to pay him for 2.5 years, but he is still there! God is good.
The idea of a hub is to share resources where we can, so challenges were voiced too, such as living hand to mouth financially with a new treasurer in training. One church is searching and praying for a new minister, another is seeking ways to connect with their very diverse community and all are praying for God’s direction into the future.
So far, out of this first hub have come ideas about sharing preachers and prayer requests between the churches. Many people left saying “See you next time!” A good encouraging start!
If you are interested in a small church hub in your area, email Hilary Taylor
Baptist Times, 18/03/2025