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Easter story shared in Birkenhead 

Laird Street Baptist once again ran an Easter Experience and met 160 children from the local primary school, working together with three Anglican Churches to pool resources for the work of the Kingdom, writes Cathy Buntin


Childrens Holy BibleWhat a great time we had and a wonderful opportunity to once again share the Easter Story with the children and their teachers.

The last couple of years Laird Street Baptist gave Easter Eggs and an Easter book for the children. This year God gave a vision to purchase Bibles for each child as an Easter gift.

These were delivered to the school on Maundy Thursday so now 160 homes in the North End of Birkenhead have possession of a Bible and every child will be able to once again read the Easter story for themselves. We give thanks to God and praise him for his provision to do this, and we pray that His Word will be read and change lives.

A couple of weeks later I heard from the minister's wife from the local Anglican church that a young girl went to the church and was excitedly saying she had received a Bible at school. She her mum had been reading it every day.

How good is God and what a confirmation we did the right thing.

The Revd Cathy Buntin is Pastor, Laird Street Baptist Church


Baptist Times, 25/04/2019
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