'What a place for the church to be'
Around 40 chaplains ministered to hundreds of festival goers at this year's Download Festival

Formerly known as Monsters of Rock, Download is a rock festival attracting around 70,000 people to the motorsport circuit at Donington Park in Leicestershire.
'People needed ministry for all sorts of reasons,' explains the Revd Roy Monks, minister of Castle Donington Baptist Church and one of the organisers of the chaplaincy ministry.
'This included bereavement, substance abuse, sickness, relationship issues, questions about faith and life, exhaustion. Some just needed some space to think, and in one instance to cry.
'One young man even gave his heart to Christ in the tent the festival organisers provided us with, and has asked to be baptised.
'In all hundreds were ministered to by our multi-denominational team.'
This growing ministry is now into its fourth year and had its largest number of chaplains so far, many of whom were Baptist ministers or members of Baptist churches across the country.
The chaplaincy came about when Roy - an airport chaplain - was asked by the East Midlands Airport management to attend a meeting with them and the management of Download, due to both operations being in close proximity.
He asked if Download had a chaplaincy ministry. The answer was no, but the organisers were open to it - and was he offering?
'I took a gulp and said yes,' Roy explains, 'but that I would need to talk with other local clergy.'
This duly happened and along with three local colleagues, Roy was invited to the first post-Covid festival in 2021. They were enthusiastically welcomed by festival goers, with many even emailing management to say they had'd a positive experience with the chaplains.
The following year the chaplains were offered a gazebo, and then for the last two years a tent, which became known as the Jesus Tent.

Roy and his colleagues advertised for others to join, and numbers wanting to be involved have grown year on year.
They run a training day in May at a local college for prospective chaplains, and have established a prayer ministry for those wanting to support them.
The chaplaincy is now on Download's website, its official literature and clearly marked with a cross on the map.
'The ministry just keeps growing,' says Roy. 'We have celebrated two Holy Communions on site last year and this with the organisers' blessing. We have seen people come to Christ and receive help and blessing on many different levels.'
Despite bad weather this year (the festival earned its well known 'Drownload' nickname, says Roy), 'spirits were high, ministry was constant, and the music large and loud with acts such as Queens of the Stone Age, Fall Out Boy, Limp Bizkit and many others rocking the scene.'
He adds, 'Once again it was a joy to be able to celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday with people turning up to receive it, some being massively surprised that it was even taking place in such a context.
'Hell, death, skulls, vampires, painted pallid faces, and various forms of strange dress all jostled for attention as dark themes were explored by the seemingly dark clad unofficial uniformed people who attended.
'What a place for the church to be. It certainly wasn't your average weekend away but the reality of God's love and power shone brightly in the darkness and was as wonderfully transforming as ever.
'Personally, heavy rock is not my thing, but I recognised that God was opening a door and clearly wanted a presence amongst the metal community.
'In fact we have many metal heads amongst the team who absolutely love the music whilst steering clear of the darker stuff.
'We all still have a lot to learn, especially me, but the Lord has clearly opened a door as well as his heart to this unusual and sometimes visually frightening and occasionally strange community.
'So roll on next year. Want to join the battle and be part of the army of light? Contact us and we will show you how.'
Roy can be contacted at roy.monks.t21@btinternet.com
The Beautiful People - chaplaincy at the 2024 Download festival
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