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Dozens sign Baptist Union prayer crosses

Many Assembly delegates signed two wooden crosses over the Baptist Assembly weekend to symbolise our unity in Christ and for our mission

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The crosses are a prayer initiative which seeks to place Jesus at the centre of everything we do as Baptists Together and inspire prayer for one another. A similar initiative took place in 2014, when two wooden crosses were signed by delegates at the Baptist Assembly before embarking on a journey around our Union. 

General Secretary Lynn Green introduced the crosses during her address on Friday night, explaining how they symbolise our unity in Christ and our mission today. One was subsequently placed at the front of the main auditorium for people to sign, the other in the prayer space. People were encouraged to add the names of their church, Association, Specialist Team or chaplaincy ministry. 

Both crosses were brought into the main auditorium when communion was shared on Sunday morning, one placed at the front of the stage, one at the back of the room.

Lynn encouraged delegates to sign them had they not already done so, which many did during the session, or at the end. In this way the space on both crosses had filled up with a variety of names by the end of Assembly. 

Prayer cross communion

The crosses will now travel around our Union (if you would like to host one of the crosses, please register your interest in the form below).   

Lynn said, 'I was delighted to see so many people sign the crosses at Assembly - they are a wonderful symbol of what lies at the heart of our movement. We are beautifully different, each a unique expression of the Body of Christ. Together we create so many missional touch points.

'As we receive and pass on the cross, let’s pray that Jesus is at the centre of all we do; and let's pray for all those represented on the cross, cherishing their own calling and context and the unique missional fingerprint they have.'  

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Those encountering the crosses are invited to pray:
  • That Jesus would be at the centre of our churches, and that His kingdom would be seen as local disciples seek to participate in the mission of God where they are.
  • That Jesus would be the centre of our regional Associations, giving life and strength to the church, and sharing resources, wisdom and fellowship in such a way that churches and ministers are better equipped to share in the mission of God.
  • That Jesus would be the centre of our Union. That from the way we share life beyond our Associations and through our Specialist Teams and colleges, our whole Union would be marked by a deep desire to play our part in the mission of God. 

Phil Jump, regional minister co-team leader of the North Western Baptist Association, has also written the following prayer. 

Many also registered their interest in hosting the crosses at some point in the next year. 

If you'd be interested in hosting one of the prayer crosses during their 'tour' this year, please provide your details below.

Church name:

Contact person:

Contact email address:

Name of Association: 

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Baptist Times, 29/05/2024
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