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Flowing faith from one generation to the next  

The Baptist Union of Great Britain with BMS World Mission are launching a new church resource to help those considering an ongoing blessing to support God’s mission both in the UK and overseas 

I WillLaunching in May 2025 a new resource called ‘I Will..’ aims to provide church leaders a way to help congregations reflect on their ongoing Kingdom legacy. This will be through a range of worship for a Sunday service including an opportunity to leave a gift to both organisations through a free online or over the phone Will writing service.  

Helen Harris, Director of Fundraising and Communications for BMS World Mission and Chris Jones, Support Services Team Leader for the Baptist Union of Great Britain say: 

‘Leaving a lasting legacy to our organisations is not a new idea. The overseas work of BMS World Mission and our mission in the UK is generously supported each year by many faithful final acts of giving.

'This new initiative not only makes this easier from a practical perspective it helps worship leaders speak to their congregations, enabling them to reflect on how their faith lives on for future generations.' 

Featuring in the video to be released with the resources is Margaret from Ramsden Bellhouse Baptist Church. She reflects on her father who left a gift to BMS World Mission and the Baptist Union in his will.

I Will MargaretShe says, ‘It’s a very good feeling, if you like, that my dad has been able to make this donation, which is going to help the work of BMS overseas and also for work in this country... spreading the good news of Jesus.’ 

The new resource will have a dedicated website where print copies as well as digital downloads will be available. This includes material for a complete Sunday church service. 

The worship resources pack will contain: 

  • A sermon outline 
  • All age talk 
  • All age activity 
  • Small group material 
  • Prayers 
  • Worship song suggestions 
  • Colouring sheets for both young people and adults 
  • Supporting images 

The worship materials focus on the water cycle as its inspiration; focusing on its never-ending cycle, therefore reflecting the never-ending cycle of generational blessings that legacy giving brings. 

Helen and Chris go onto to say, 'Our hearts for the Church and for mission are aligned and, although our contexts might look different, we’re both striving to share the good news of the gospel to our world.

'Jesus calls us “to make disciples of all nations” and in partnership with each other, we do exactly that.  

'Through generous support of both organisations, we markedly transform precious lives with Jesus’ love.

'By partnering with the Baptist Union of Great Britain, you’re supporting the growth of many healthy churches in the UK. You’re helping communities to flourish by encouraging church leaders to reach their full potential and by supporting community development at your local church. 

'By standing with BMS World Mission, supporters can bring abundant life to some of the most marginalised and least evangelised communities in the world, as well as among people on the move. This brings hope to many, providing pathways to education, flourishing livelihoods and crucial healthcare where injustice is prevalent. 

'Gifts in Wills are desperately needed by both of us. They ensure that the Church of the future will be fully equipped, and that forthcoming lives will be powerfully changed, both in the UK and far from our shores.’ 

‘I Will..’ will be available from 1 May 

Baptist Times, 05/03/2025
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