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Nationwide Christmas campaign ‘Shine Your Light' seeks 1,000 churches this year 


UK churches are being invited to reach 1-million people this December – by taking the Christmas story of ‘comfort and joy’ outside of church walls

Shine Your LightShine Your Light, a united initiative of denominations, prayer networks and streams (including Baptists Together), is seeking 1,000 churches to share their vision of taking carol services, nativity and other Christmas events from within church buildings out into shopping centres, village greens, community centres – anywhere where the public will gather this December.
While the focus of the four-nation evangelistic campaign is aimed for the weekend of 13-15 December, any church can register, and benefit from a range of free resources to help them spread the Christian message throughout December.
Last year, when Shine Your Light was piloted, more than 78,000 Christians from 700 churches in 68 denominations, streams and groups took their Carol Services and Christmas events onto the streets. 
Many church and national leaders endorsed the event including the Prime Minster, Downing Street and politicians. The weekend was highlighted by many media outlets including Good Morning Britain where hundreds of thousands heard that Shine Your Light was about proclaiming Christ at Christmas.
This year’s goal is 1,000 churches, and 100,000 Christians reaching 1-million UK residents and visitors.
Bishop Mike Royal, General Secretary of Churches Together in England said, ‘Christmas can sometimes be over-commercialised.
‘People feeling pressure to spend money they don't have on stuff they don't need. Shine Your Light reminds people of the true meaning of Christmas. God's gift to the world in the person of Jesus Christ.
‘Churches Together in England endorses the Shine Your Light campaign. Our 54 member church denominations unite in declaring this Christmas that "Jesus is the reason for the Season!’

Dr Jonathan Oloyede, Convenor of the National Day of Prayer and Worship added, ‘After last year’s Shine Your Light, we heard stories of people coming to faith and churches welcoming in new people. It showed that when Christians come together for the Gospel, whole communities can be reached!
In a recent UK survey, 20 per cent of people in the UK say that they believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That’s 16 per cent more than go to church every week.
‘By taking the gospel onto the streets, churches reach the 80 per cent with little or no belief in Jesus.
‘They can also engage in a neutral venue with those who have a nominal faith but lack a personal relationship with Jesus - whose birth we celebrate at Christmas.’
Free resource for churches includes:

  • a professionally designed and printed Carol sheet for events (P+P costs only)
  • music backing tracks to accompany the carols, or
  • a music score for each carol, and
  • resources for churches to follow up contacts made at events


Further information on these, and other resources, together with programme ideas and how to sign up, can be found on the Shine Your Light website at shineyourlight.org.uk

Click here to access a video to show in churches and to share on social media, sharing the vision to bring a message of hope and joy to communities this December 


Baptist Times, 08/11/2024
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