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Communion focus for Baptist Theology in the North  

There will be a focus on Baptists and communion at this year's Baptist Theology in the North on 28 March 

BTN 2025

The annual event, which takes place on 28 March at New North Road Baptist Church in Huddersfield, features keynote addresses, younger emerging scholars and short paper options. 

As usual the focus will be on conversation as much as information. At lunch participants will share a reformation-style communion liturgy led by Keith Jones. 

The keynote addresses exploring Baptists and communion are from Chris Ellis, Linda Hopkins, Sarah Ducker and Ben Jones. 

Chris is a former Baptist Union president who has pastored churches in various parts of the UK, as well as teaching theology in several university settings here and overseas.

Living in Sheffield, he is now retired from stipendiary ministry but continues to lead and preach locally, serve as a spiritual accompanist and actively explore aspects of spiritual theology. 

Linda is a portfolio Baptist minister, mainly working as mainly working as a spiritual director, coach, and educator. 

In her doctoral research she used a creative methodology to hear from young people about their experiences of communion in Baptist churches, which she would go on to explore in the 2023 Whitley Lecture. As well as encouraging us to hear from the younger generation, she gives attention to experiential learning within the worshipping community - making connections between church practices and how we nurture faith. 

Sarah is a Baptist minister in Sheffield. Her passions include the female voice in scripture, discipleship and missional leadership, spirituality and formation and the nurture of children's spirituality. More recently she has begun to explore using Godly Play and story telling to help us think theologically about our Baptist identity.

Ben's MA focused on the celebration of covenant within Baptist congregations in relation to the Lord's Supper. He also engaged with the history of Baptist approaches of 'fencing the table' and what that looks like in 21st century Baptist congregations.'


The day runs from 9am - 4pm. Lunch and other refreshments are included in the £30 ticket.

Contact Sally Nelson on revsal96@gmail.com to book or for more information, or join the BTN Facebook group  where updates are posted. 


Baptist Times, 21/01/2025
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