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We are the Baptist Union of Great Britain ('BUGB', 'we', 'us'), a charitable incorporated organisation registered in England and Wales under charity number 1181392. Our contact details are:

Address:  The Baptist Union Of Great Britain, PO Box 44, Didcot, OX11 8RT

Email:  www.baptist.org.uk/contactus

Telephone:  01235 517700

This privacy notice describes what information (your ‘personal data’) we process about you, the purposes for which we collect it and how we will handle and use it.

For the purposes of data protection law, we are considered as the ‘controller’ of the personal data we collect and hold about you and we are therefore responsible for it.

Our Legal Services Manager (Caroline Sanderson) is our Data Protection Officer and she is the person responsible for matters relating to the protection of personal data. She can be contacted at the address above or by email or phone 01235 517700.

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office ('ICO') with registration number Z5717589


We hold and process various categories of personal information for a number of reasons. We collect this data either from you or from third parties who provide it to us. For more details of the information we process please use the links below:

Information collected through the Church Update system

Information provided in respect of the work of the Ministries Team

Information processed in relation to Safeguarding matters

Information processed through our website

Information about you

We may collect information about you in the following ways:

Information which you give us

We collect information about you when you fill in one of our forms and when you communicate with us in writing, by email, phone or through video-conferencing. This can include (but is not limited to) your full name, address, email address, phone number(s), your image, details of your church connections and your bank details. If you are applying for a job, Ministerial Accreditation/Recognition or booking onto a BUGB event through our website, additional information will be collected. More details can be found using the links above.

Information we collect about you

Normally we will only process the information which you have provided to us directly or through the Church Update system.

We may, however, obtain additional information about you from relevant third parties in connection with your application for Ministerial Accreditation/Recognition, your employment with us, any non-ministerial positions you may hold in BUGB member churches or organisations, or where a safeguarding concern has been raised with us.  More details about what we collect can be found using the relevant links above.

We may also collect data from publicly available sources, for example, the Land Registry, Companies House and the Charity Commission.

For all images and video that we take as BUGB, we will ensure that all possible participants have a clear understanding of our processes and are able to give or withdraw their consent at any point to the retention and/or publication of their image(s) in line with our Image Sourcing and Permissions Policy.  Where images are provided to us by a third party, we will not process or publish these without confirmation in writing that the third party has the necessary rights and permissions from you to use and share your personal data in this way.
Why we collect and process this information
In this section we list the different purposes for which we collect and use your personal information, as well as the legal grounds under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Retained General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) on which we rely to justify such data processing.
Purpose   Legal grounds
Enabling us to contact and work with the most appropriate people in our member churches and organisations, in order to provide support, advice and resources, including invitations to engage in Baptists Together consultations.
The information is necessary for our legitimate interest of supporting, advising and resourcing BUGB member organisations. Please also see our separate ‘Church Update’ Privacy Notice.
Enabling us to respond to and contact individuals in churches who require specialist support in relation to property trusts through the work of the Baptist Union Corporation Limited
The information is necessary for our legitimate interest of supporting, advising and resourcing churches where we are providing Property Trusteeship services
Facilitating video-conferencing or electronic meetings eg through MS Teams, Zoom and SpatialChat You are providing us with your consent to process your data by joining an electronic meeting in which you can choose to participate with your camera and microphone on or off.  We do not record any meetings without your consent for us to do so. 
Keeping those who have subscribed to one of our mailing lists updated with news and events in Baptist life
We only keep you updated on the basis of your consent for us to do so. We use Mailchimp for our regular e-mailings; please see below for more information about where we keep your personal data.
Receiving donations for Home Mission, acknowledging receipt of donations and keeping a record of donations received, including legacies
The information is necessary for our legitimate interest to properly administer donations received and to maintain adequate and accurate financial accounts
Enabling us to facilitate our Ministerial Accreditation/Recognition system and the Ministerial Settlement Process.
In certain limited circumstances, BUGB may process special category and criminal convictions etc data to determine suitability for ministry within the Baptist family and to safeguard against any risks posed to others by those who work in Baptist ministry or Baptist churches. 
Please see our separate ‘Ministries’ Privacy Notice
Enabling us to support our churches as they deal with issues relating to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk.
In certain limited circumstances, BUGB may process special category and criminal convictions etc data essential to safeguard against any risks posed to others by those who work in Baptist ministry or Baptist churches. 
Please see our separate ‘Safeguarding’ Privacy Notice
Enabling us to update our DBS Checking Company (DDC Ltd) with details of those who can act as DBS verifiers.
The information is necessary for our legitimate interest to enable our member churches to undertake DBS checks on volunteers
Enabling us to pay expense claims to staff and individuals acting for us in a voluntary capacity
The information is necessary for our legitimate interest to properly administer expense claims and to maintain adequate and accurate financial accounts
Enabling us to respond to contact made through our website. Please see our separate ‘Website’ Privacy Notice
Enabling us to promote the work of Baptists Together, share news and other information eg through our website, Baptists Together magazine, webinars, broadcasts or podcasts. This information is necessary for our legitimate interest of supporting, advising and resourcing churches.  Your image will only be processed on the basis of your consent for us to do so.  Please also see our separate 'Website' Privacy Notice.
Enabling us to fulfil our statutory, contractual and pastoral obligations to our staff.
Please see our separate ‘Employment’ Privacy Policy which can be obtained from our HR and Safeguarding Team Leader.
Enabling us to fulfil reporting requirements for BUGB, the Baptist Union Corporation Limited and other group entities eg to the Charity Commission or Companies House. This information is necessary for us to fulfil our legal and regulatory obligations.
Enabling us to fulfil our constitutional requirements, including nominations for the office of Vice-President of the Union and notices and motions of resolutions. The information is necessary for us to fulfil our legal obligation under our constitution.
Enabling us to run BUGB events eg the Baptist Assembly, trainings for churches and other gatherings. The information is necessary for our legitimate interest of supporting, advising and resourcing BUGB member churches and organisations.

Disclosure of your information

At times we may share your information with others. The following is a list of who we will or might share your information with:
  • Our employees, contractors and volunteers on a need-to-know basis
  • Employees and volunteers working for one of our partner organisations with whom we have a Data-Sharing Agreement. A list of these organisations can be found below.
  • Access Group – who provide our database and finance systems
  • Xpedition Limited and Continia Software - who provide our database and finance systems
  • Our current website developers and administrators – ‘Hubb.Church’ a trading name of Endis Limited
  • Analysts and consultants who might help us improve and optimise our website
  • Minted Box Ltd – who provide our Church Update and Church Healthcheck systems
  • Our Mailing Company, Verite Ltd, to enable copies of the ‘Baptists Together’ magazine to be posted to Church Secretaries and who manage our online shop
  • YouTube - hosts Baptists Together and other embedded videos which are directly playable from our website
  • Vimeo - hosts embedded videos directly playable from our website
  • MailChimp (names and email addresses only) who facilitate our regular e-mailings.
  • Zoom – video conferencing platform which stores basic account profile information.  For more information about Zoom’s privacy policy, visit https://zoom.us/privacy.
  • Microsoft Teams -  provides video conferencing and communication services.  For more information about Microsoft’s privacy policy, visit https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-gb/privacystatement.
  • SpatialChat – a virtual meeting space platform.  For more information about SpatialChat’s privacy policy, visit https://www.spatial.chat/legal/privacy-policy.
  • Kingdom Bank – who provide loans for students undertaking Baptist ministerial training
  • Individuals who contact us asking for details of a BUGB member church will be given the name and contact details of the person we have listed as the main contact (normally the Church Secretary or Administrator) of that church
  • Individuals who contact us asking for details of an Accredited Baptist Minister will be given the contact details that we hold
  • Payment service providers
  • Our insurers, professional advisors and consultants, including our solicitors, auditors and Honorary Tax Advisor
  • Service providers who assist us with protecting ourselves from fraud and money-laundering or who assist us with managing our credit
  • IT system providers who have access to data so that we can ensure that our systems operate effectively and that we are running current versions of software
  • Law enforcement authorities, statutory or regulatory bodies and other organisations which we may have a legal obligation to disclose information to
  • Others as listed in our ‘Ministries’ and ‘Safeguarding’ Privacy Notices
  • Sandra Cobbin & Associates – the Consultation Project Team for the 2023 Baptists Together consultation on the Ministerial Recognition Rules
In addition, where appropriate, we will publish on our website, the names of those Representative Members of the Assembly who have nominated a candidate for the role of Vice-President, or submitted a notice of motion or resolution for Assembly.

Where we keep your personal data

All your personal information covered by this notice will be stored in the UK. To deliver services or manage our relationship with you, it is sometimes necessary for us to share your Personal Data outside of the UK (e.g. when our service providers are located outside of the UK). Many countries do not have the same data protection laws as the UK. We will, however, take reasonable steps to ensure that any such service provider has in place appropriate measures to protect your information and any contract includes appropriate clauses about the use of data. For instance, we will take steps to confirm that a third party outside of the UK is either covered by an existing adequacy agreement or has put in place regulator approved standard contractual clauses to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data.

Retention of data

We will keep the personal information covered by this policy for the periods of time specified in our Data Retention Schedule and at the end of the applicable retention periods we will safely and securely delete it.
Your rights in relation to your data

You have a number of rights under data protection law. These include:
  • The right to access your personal data and to obtain certain information about it;
  • The right to rectify the data if it is inaccurate;
  • In some circumstances, such as when the data is no longer required or if the use of the data has no legal justification, the right to have that data erased;
  • In limited circumstances, the right to object to our handling of the data;
  • In limited circumstances, the right to restrict the handling of your data;
  • The right to obtain a copy of your data in a commonly used electronic form if the data is processed by automated means and the processing is based on your consent or contractual necessity.
More details about how these rights apply can be found in our Data Protection Policy which can be accessed from www.baptist.org.uk/GDPR

You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when we rely on consent as a legal ground to justify our handling of your personal data. This would not affect the lawfulness of anything done before consent is withdrawn but it would stop us from continuing to use the relevant information. You can exercise your rights or obtain more information about them by contacting our Data Protection Officer by email or ring 01235 517700

Complaints to the Information Commissioner

You have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Officer (ICO) about the way in which we collect and handle your personal data. Complaints to the ICO can be made on the ICO’s website.
Changes to our Privacy Notices

We may change our privacy notices from time to time in which case we will upload the updated notice(s) to our website. It is advisable to refer to the privacy notice(s) regularly, particularly before sharing information about yourself which you consider to be sensitive.

Partner Organisations with whom we have a Data Sharing Agreement

Baptist Pension Trust Ltd

Baptist Union of Scotland

Baptist Union of Wales

BMS World Mission                                       

Bristol Baptist College

Central Baptist Association

Eastern Baptist Association                           

East Midland Baptist Association

Heart of England Baptist Association            

London Baptist Association

Northern Baptist Association                        

Northern Baptist College

North Western Baptist Association               

Regent's Park College

South Eastern Baptist Association                

South Wales Baptist Association

South Wales Baptist College

South West Baptist Association                    

Southern Counties Baptist Association

Spurgeon’s College

West of England Baptist Association             

Yorkshire Baptist Association

Free Churches Group

XPS Pensions Consulting Limited

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