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Prayer Reflection Video - 17 February 2025

A prayer from the Children, Youth and Families Roundtable
A Prayer for Listening and Making Space
God who hears,
You have always made room for the ones others overlook—
the small voices, the unsure voices,
the brave-but-shaking voices.
You welcome the questions of children
and the dreams of the young.

But we are not always good at listening.
We fill the room with our own plans,
we cling too tightly to what is familiar,
and we forget that You speak through unexpected voices.

Teach us to make space—
space to hear the hopes, the doubts, and the longings
of children and young people.
Let our churches become places
where every voice is welcome,
every gift is recognised,
and every dream is taken seriously.

Help us not just to listen,
but to follow where the young are leading us.
When they imagine new ways of being church,
help us not to resist but to be curious.
When they lead with courage and joy,
help us to follow with humility and hope.

Remind us that Your Kingdom is not built by power
but by the small and simple acts of love—
the kind children offer so easily
and the kind we often forget.

God of every generation,
teach us to make room—
room for questions,
room for leadership,
room for change.
Because we all belong here.
And You are still speaking.

Click here to download the CYF Roundtable's prayer to share with your church.
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