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Prayer bulletin for very small Baptist churches 

A number of small, often rural, Baptist churches are being strengthened in their ministry by an initiative which sees them praying for each other on a regular basis

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The Small Baptist  is a prayer bulletin which links some of the smallest Baptist churches in England and Wales, most of which have a membership of less than 10.

The initiative was started by Peter Smith, who has had a long involvement with village churches, mainly Baptist.

Peter was concerned about the large number of churches closing each year, particularly in areas where they were the only Gospel witness, and wondered what he could do to help.

He realised that no one understands better what it is like working in a small church, than those in a similar position. So the idea of a prayer link was born.

In 1998 Peter wrote to all Baptist churches in England and Wales with six or fewer members, to suggest a prayer bulletin.

The first issue was produced in May 1998, with 13 churches praying for one another.

The network has since experienced increases & decreases at different times.

Although some of The Small Baptist churches have, sadly closed, others have seen encouraging growth. Many have seen other benefits.

Peter writes, ‘A number of churches have said how they have been encouraged by knowing that people are praying for them, and that they are not alone.

‘Another interesting comment was that it was wonderful to be able to actually help other small churches, by praying for them!

'Many had previously thought that nobody really cared about their little work.’

Should any Baptist church like to be part of this – which is completely free, or if you simply want more information, or a complimentary copy, contact Peter Smith on 01269 826643 or peterandpatsmith@hotmail.co.uk 

Image | cottonbro studio | Pexels


Baptist Times, 14/10/2024
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    Posted: 26/02/2024