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Three-year mission vision for Baptist Assembly 

Three-year strategic mission focus will also offer national discussion and resolutions

Throughout our 400-year history, mission has been at the heart of who we are. With evangelism and discipleship, it is clearly what still drives our leaders and churches as they seek to reflect the heart of God in their own particular communities.
In recent years the Baptist Assembly has reflected this mission focus - and as we move into and beyond the mid 2020s, it will continue to do so.
Our Assemblies in 2025, 2026 and 2027 will all focus on mission through different lenses. Venues have been booked and the events will offer a place where discernment, storytelling, equipping, resourcing and good practice around mission take place.
Our current landscape is undoubtedly challenging, yet people are experiencing the love of God in Christ through both established Baptist churches and pioneering settings, large congregations and small, and so many places in between. Churches are opening baptisteries for the first time in years. People are appearing on our doorsteps, wanting to know more about Jesus. God is on the move in all sorts of ways and places across Baptists Together!
With this three year mission focus, our Baptist Assemblies seek to be events that capture some of how God is moving to positively shape our approach to mission, evangelism and discipleship. 
The following venues are booked:

  • 16-17 May 2025, West Bromwich 
  • 15-17 May 2026, Harrogate 
  • 21-23 May 2027, Harrogate 

With our broad three-year strategic plan, we will take our time listening to God in key areas at each event. In 2025, BMS World Mission will be helping lead, showing what local churches can learn about mission for their community from a global perspective. More details will be shared in the coming months.
Assembly 2023 2

‘Baptist Assembly is going to help us continue to lead on mission, catalysing conversation and action across our movement,' says General Secretary Lynn Green. 
'In taking this strategic lead, our Assemblies will help us invest in, nurture and inform our work for God across the country.

'For 2025, we are really looking forward to partnering more closely with BMS, and learning from the insights they and their partners can share to resource the mission of local Baptist churches and pioneers.’
In addition to this mission focus, national discernment and resolutions will return to Assemblies in the coming years. To support these intentions, it is hoped regional associations, colleges, ministers’ conferences and local clusters will pick up conversations in the lead up and between Assemblies. Rather than simply being a few days when we come together, Baptist Assembly can help focus and lead a national learning and discerning community which is constantly reflecting.
The Baptist Assembly will also continue to be a space where we commission and pray for God’s blessing on those who undertake recognised roles and ministries; a space where we come together to collectively worship and give thanks to God, and affirm the identity of the Baptist community.
'Baptist Assembly is uniquely placed to use our shared values, DNA and story over recent years,' continues Lynn.

'We have a distinctiveness that God gave us - and it is my hope we use this for his glory and Kingdom.'


Baptist Times, 02/10/2024
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