'We were very warmly welcomed' - the Baptist Telford parkrun takeover
It's a popular community event run by volunteers that encourages the participation of people of all ages and abilities - and with a parkrun happening a short jog from the Baptist Assembly, delegates decided to join in and bless it

Around 50 people from the Assembly pitched up at the 473rd Telford parkrun in Telford Town Park on Saturday morning (18 May) to swell the running ranks, serve as official volunteers or simply give out water, cake and even art blessings to the participants.
Parkrun allows for 'takeovers' - and the Baptist one was initiated by communications manager Mike Lowe. Mike serves as a race director for his local parkrun in Oxfordshire.
'Parkrun works really well across the world,' he said. 'I always recognise how God is at work in parkrun - I think it's a definition of a 'thin place': it's very inclusive, featuring people of all ages and abilities, and I don't think you can find anything better on a Saturday morning.
'The Telford one takes place in the park next to our Assembly venue, so I thought it was a good opportunity to get out of the four walls of the Assembly, and bless the community who make it happen.'

As the takeover race director, Mike was able to say some words ahead of the run.
'I told them Baptists across the country are gathering at the Telford International Centre, and explained we like to partner with organisations and community groups that are helping good things to happen.
‘I said: "We are here to say well done for what you are doing - and we are here to bless you as a facet of who we are".'
Mike had set up two tables at the end of the run, from which fellow Baptists helped distribute 200 water bottles and 300 pieces of cake.
Former Baptist Union president and artist Chris Duffett also joined Mike, sharing his art with the runners and walkers. In addition, around 50 more people than normal went through the finish line.

'People were really positive about us being there, and we were very warmly welcomed,' said Mike. 'We had lots of good conversations, and the event director said they'd received a number of emails from participants afterwards saying they'd enjoyed it. Our team who took part were delighted to support it.
'So it went as well as we could have hoped. On the way up to Telford my boot was full of the water and cake - and all that was left was one single Crimble macaroon.'
He added, 'It gave me confidence that when you meet people where they are and join in, they welcome a Christian presence.
'Could you do something similar in your Parkrun? Or where your community gathers? Can you recognise God's spirit? Where can you join in and bless?'
Baptist Times, 30/05/2024