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‘Jesus speaks to each one of us where we are – and so we all hear that voice differently’  

Outgoing President Tim Presswood was invited to reflect on his term, which began at the Baptist Assembly last June

Tim Presswood1
His theme was Sharing Christ's Banquet, and he unpacked a picnic basket as a way of outlining the diversity of the churches he had seen on his travels.
'It seems to me, that Jesus speaks to each one of us where we are – and so we all hear that voice differently,' Tim said.
'I love apples. Christ’s Great Banquet does not consist of nothing but apples.
'This year, I have eaten many apples. Most of them have been delicious.
Tim Presswood2‘But sometimes, I crave a Gregg’s sausage roll. One of the most exciting things about our Union is that sometimes things turn out not to be quite what I expect them to be.

'I think of one church which I had assumed was a very ‘traditional’ and elderly congregation. When I arrived they regaled me with stories of the innovative ways in which they were engaging in mission in their community. This sausage roll is vegan, by the way. 
'It was also a delight to share in the first service of a new mission partnership as local churches joined together to face the challenge of the 21st century. This is perhaps represented by the coming together of the slightly odd flavours of hummus and avocado in this delicious sandwich.
'Mind you, there are times – biking home across the country on a Sunday evening after a long weekend away – when all I craved was to sink back into the sugary comfort of a doughnut. And whilst I don’t recommend a diet of nothing but doughnuts, just sometimes we all need the pastoral comfort and concern of the kind of church where we don’t feel challenged, where we just know that we are loved.
‘It matters that you love the President – so thank you.
'But you can’t live on doughnut. Sometimes we need to try something new like the various new expressions of church I’ve visited this year.
‘Rather like this dragon fruit. Pioneer projects need to be given the space to take risks. They may fail. They may be for a limited time. But rather like this mango which 20 years ago was, for me, a strange new taste, they may mature into something wonderful.' 
Tim shared his daughter's picture she had drawn ahead of his presidential year, which showed a banquet with empty seats – and then gifted the picture to his successor.
'As I hand over to Steve, particularly in the weeks after the publication of the Project Violet reports, I would challenge us to reflect on those empty chairs at the table.
'But now my year is coming to an end. There are many more delights in Christ’s great picnic basket. Those of you who know me, will not be surprised that at the end of this amazing year, as I hand over to Steve, I am going to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee!'
Lynn Green and Tim Presswood 

Lynn thanked Tim, saying, ‘As a disciple of Christ your gracious spirit and your humility have been an example to us, and you have enriched our movement through your servant leadership.
‘Your love of people has been so evident, as has your deep desire that everyone should have the opportunity to hear and experience the good news of Jesus and the fulness of life that he brings.’
‘You’ve walked, you’ve listened – and we really appreciate that.’


Baptist Times, 22/05/2024
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