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'Pray for your young people - we are not the only ones being sent' 

Several young British Baptist leaders who are part of the 'SENT' cohort were introduced and prayed for at the Baptist Assembly -  and delegates were encouraged to pray for young people in their contexts

Assembly SENT 1

SENT refers to the global mission conference organised by the European Baptist Federation that took place in Norway in 2023. Thanks to funding from the Mission Forum Grants Committee, Baptist Insurance, South West Baptist Association and London Baptists, we arranged for more than 30 young leaders to attend the conference. The group represents 12 of our 13 Associations. 

The SENT conference was the first step of a three-year mission-focussed learning community that these young adults are part of now - and about a third of them attended Baptist Assembly this year

They took to the stage on the Friday night celebration. 'We have lots of different experiences – dentists, youth workers, ministers, some of us work with environmental issues,' explained Isabella Senior, our Young Leaders’ Development Coordinator, 'but we have come together because we love Jesus.'

Rob Peirson is a minister-in-training and he went to Norway not knowing exactly where he was called. He is now at Stockport Baptist Church - and shared how this calling became clear after being commissioned by Ben Francis of Big Life at the SENT conference. 

He added how the SENT cohort support and pray for each other, and are 'massive cheerleaders'. Their support, for instance, has helped him develop an idea for a 20/30s group in Stockport. 

Isabella encouraged delegates to be praying for the younger generation in their context. 

'We are not the only ones being sent,' she said. She asked delegates to raise their hands and accompany her in praying for the young leaders on stage. 

General Secretary Lynn Green was also at SENT having participated in the EBF annual meeting that preceded it. She said, 'I was so encouraged by this cohort.

'Just to sit and watch them have this adventure was an amazing privilege. It was an incredible opportunity – so wonderful to see you guys lapping it up.' 


Baptist Times, 22/05/2024
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