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Commissioning - 'Wherever you are planted, may the gospel be sown'

Around 40 ministers who have been transferred to the fully accredited list and pastors who have been accorded recognition since the last Assembly were commissioned and prayed for on the Saturday night 


Always an Assembly highlight, the names of those being recognised were announced in Association order. Each went up to the stage to be greeted by a representative of their Association, General Secretary Lynn Green, and new President Steve Finamore. 

They also received a small gift from Naomi and Hannah, representing our children and young people, which included a seed and a note stating: "Wherever you are planted, may the gospel be sown."

Steve then led delegates - the congregation - in making a series of commitments in supporting the ministers and pastors, before inviting the ministers and pastors to make their own series of commitments. 


Steve prayed for them, after which the worship band played Fresh Wind, a Pentecost song which featured the words "Pour Your Spirit Out" in the chorus.

Introducing the song, worship leader Simon Gudger prayed, 'May they be a blessing to others because of what you have placed in their hearts.'

Lynn gave the address following the commissioning, and began by reflecting on what had just happened in the context of God's bigger vision.

'It’s so brilliant to be here and share this significant moment together,' she said.

'It’s fantastic to be with all of you that have travelled to be here tonight to support and celebrate these wonderful ministers and mission workers.

'Thank you so much for coming, it means such a lot to have you here this evening, and please do take the love, prayers and blessing of the wider Baptist family back to your church and context.

'And, of course, it’s particularly special to welcome and celebrate with all those who have been commissioned tonight.

'Whether you are a minister, or a mission worker; whether you would describe yourself as a pastor, a pioneer, a CYF specialist, an evangelist, a chaplain, a church planter or a combination of them all, I am so pleased that you are part of Baptists Together and we so appreciate all that you are. We are super blessed to have you.

'Tonight is a significant moment, a staging post on a journey of a lifelong commitment of faithfulness to God’s call.

'For those who have been commissioned and all of us, this has been an opportunity to renew our commitment to Christ and welcome afresh His Holy Spirit to empower us for service.

'But tonight is also part of a bigger vision, a Kingdom vision of God’s purposes for the whole of creation.

'Tonight, we also celebrate and remember our shared calling as Baptists Together to fulfil our part in the church universal in spreading the good news of Jesus, our Saviour and Lord.'

Many of our new ministers and pastors prepared introductory videos - access them here. Access the individual commissioning photos on our Flickr Baptist Assembly 2024 album.


BMS - 'connecting and catalysing mission from the opposite sides of the ends of the world'

Prior to the commissioning, BMS General Director Kang-San Tan introduced four new mission personnel. He explained BMS is not just sending mission workers from the UK, but 'connecting and catalysing mission from the opposite sides of the ends of the world'. The church in the majority world is 'growing at an amazing rate', he said, and BMS has adapted to reflect this reality. 

An example of this was Lucia Bastos, who is from Brazil but has now joined the BMS team working at Guinebor II Hospital in Chad as their Projects and Partnerships Officer. Lucia had 15 years of mission experience before joining BMS. Her involvement with mission organisations has focused on equipping local Christian organisations and individuals with managerial knowledge. She also developed strategic plans to achieve sustainable community development.

Lucia will be joined at Guinebor II Hospital by Ingrid and Roger Hamlet, specialists in orthotics and prosthetics. On completion of their missions and language training they will set up a prosthetics and orthotics department at the hospital in 2025. The four person welcomed was Oksana* (not her real name), who is Indonesian-born and serving with BMS in Asia. 

'There are so many differences between these four of birth, faith and language,' said Kang-San, 'but they each share BMS's aim of bringing abundant life to the places in which they serve.' 


Baptist Times, 20/05/2024
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