Exploring the Christmas story in a fun and interactive way
Clevedon Baptist Church in North Somerset will welcome more than 2,000 children and adults to Destination Bethlehem, its all age, interactive journey through the Christmas story
The journey takes place throughout the church building in Station Road and features a range of activities that highlight different aspects of the story of Jesus' birth.
‘We are inviting people this year to hear the Christmas story in a fun and interactive way,' says senior minister the Revd Antony Wareham.
'There will be eight local schools visiting with their pupils, as well as the community.
'We have a larger than ever team of volunteers from Clevedon Baptist Church involved and we cannot wait.'
Destination Bethlehem starts in Bethlehem Square as the crowds gather because of the census. Then visitors will experience a light show in the night sky as angels come and meet the shepherds.
This year the shepherds have a problem because they've got a hole in their bucket! But that tune will help all to understand more about Christmas.
Clevedon Baptist friend Dai Woolridge, a storyteller and award winning spoken word poet, will tell guests about Festive Fred and how he discovers the greatest gift. There will also be a link to the Cheeky Pandas studios, as well as welcoming the wisemen and visiting the stable.
Visitors will also have the opportunity to learn more about Jesus, the Son of Man, in the Bethlehem Bakery as they decorate gingerbread men together.
The Bethlehem Game Zone challenges people to count the sheep with the shepherds, see who can score the highest points in the flying angels zone and with the wisemen learn how to transport gold without dropping any.
After inviting schools to visit throughout the week, Destination Bethlehem will then be open to the public over the weekend of the 9 and 10 December.

Volunteers from Clevedon Baptist Church
Baptist Times, 23/11/2023