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Encouraging reports at Baptist Historical Society AGM 

Significant rise in online engagement with articles in the Baptist Quarterly; 'superb' lecture from The Revd Prof. Paul Fiddes on Sam Sharpe

BHS800The Baptist Historical Society met for its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 18 May 2023.

Among the encouraging reports at the AGM was the significant rise in online engagement with articles in the Baptist Quarterly: it has been recorded that article downloads per quarter have risen from 1,200 in 2020, to 2,300 in 2023.

Members of the Baptist Historical Society can access all current and previous articles for free, as well as receiving the Baptist Quarterly in printed form. 

The AGM also heard news of forthcoming publications, including a collaboration with BMS World Mission to share inspiring stories of former missionaries from around the world. The Baptist Historical Society engages in a range of activities to explore the relevance of the 'Baptist Story' for understanding the contemporary Baptist context, as well as furthering academic research into Baptist History.  

The AGM culminated in a superb lecture from The Revd Prof. Paul Fiddes, on 'Sam Sharpe: the Scriptures that motivated him and some implications for today'. This can be watched online at https://youtu.be/3WwDLntUmBU or below and will be published in the Baptist Quarterly later this year. 

Baptist Times, 24/05/2023
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