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An audience with The King 

General Secretary Lynn Green was part of a delegation to present a Loyal Address to King Charles III


Lynn was part of The Free Churches Group delegation, one of 27 institutions - or privileged bodies - to deliver a Loyal Address to The King at Buckingham Palace on 9 March.

A Loyal Address is a short address in which the privileged body can reassert their loyalty as well as drawing the monarch's attention to particular issues.

This tradition dates back to the 17th century and takes place to mark significant Royal occasions.

The address from The Free Churches Group offered King Charles congratulations on his accession to the throne, as well as thanking God for his Christian faith 'at this time of complex change and crises'.

It highlighted the way our gathered churches are seeking to be good neighbours 'in the way that our Lord Jesus Christ taught us by word and example', and the growing depth of love and understanding that exists between the many different Christian denominations in Your realm, and with communities of other faiths, and none.'

'In all of these we have been grateful for the example both in word and deed that Your Majesty has displayed,' it continued. 'The impact of global warming and the ecological crises are currently of concern to so many and we are grateful that this is a concern Your Majesty also shares.'

It concluded by stating, 'May the blessing of Almighty God continue to rest upon His Majesty the King.'  

The address was presented by the Revd Helen Cameron, moderator of the Free Churches Group.

The Church of England, the Catholic Church in England and Wales, the Quakers, the Church of Scotland were among the other Christian bodies to present an address, alongside The Dean and Chapter of Westminster, and The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral.

There were also representatives of several universities, as well as The Royal Society, The Royal Academy of Arts and The City of Westminster. The 27 privileged bodies are 'culturally significant organisations and institutions that reflect the United Kingdom’s diverse society, drawn from the education sector, as well as incorporating science, arts, and religious institutions,' according to royal.uk. 

After a representative from each organisation deliver a Loyal Address to His Majesty, The King then delivered his own response:

'Whether in the fields of education, science, or the arts, or whether as representatives of the faith communities or of civic organisations, you advance our knowledge and our understanding of how we relate to each other and the world about us...

'In doing so, you are admired around the world for your contributions to public life. You remind us of an essential truth - that a nation’s wealth and strength can be found, beyond the size of its economy or its place in the geopolitical landscape, in the values that it embodies – mutual respect, diversity, tolerance, fairness and friendship... 

'And I can assure you that your strong support will sustain me in the future, as it sustained my late mother and father in the past. That is why, together with The Queen Consort, I wish to express my deepest gratitude for the generosity with which you have renewed your pledges of loyalty and affection today.'

Top image | Members of the Free Churches delegation, including General Secretary Lynn Green (second left)


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