'A brilliant result'
Moortown Baptist Church raises almost £1,200 for BMS World Mission's Uganda appeal

Instead of holding a traditional Christmas Toy Service, Moortown Baptist Church, in north Leeds decided last month to respond to the BMS World Mission's Christmas Uganda Child Protection Appeal.
In doing so it invited its congregation to donate as they felt fit to help alleviate the uncertainty and the fear that many children in northern Uganda are currently experiencing. The BMS appeal highlighted the work of Child Protection Officer Valerie and Speech and Language Therapist Isaac in protecting against child marriage and abuse.
The church's appeal, which ran throughout the whole of December and closed on Christmas Day, raised £1,196.
Responding to this encouraging figure Roger Robson, MBC's BMS link and the person who first suggested the idea said, 'This is a brilliant result, and thank you all, that's the diaconate for organising the appeal and of course to all those who so generously gave to it.'
Baptist Times, 06/01/2022