Passing on "purls" of wisdom!
Creative crafters at Rothwell Baptist Church, Leeds, are spreading the Good News by the sackful - while knitting links with their community, says Pat Wray
"Inspired by the Knitted Bible Exhibitions staged by St Georges URC, Hartlepool, and by the Salvation Army, Warrington, and using patterns from the book Knitivity by Fiona Goble, the crafters have so far produced nine Bible stories from David and Goliath to Zacchaeus.
"But instead of being primarily an exhibition, each story “lives” in its own sack - and some sacks double up as a scenery groundsheet.
"The sacks are used by Rothwell’s Family Worker Helen Stockton in family services, the church playgroup and in local schools. She leaves the sack in the school for a week, so children can re-enact the story for themselves.
"The story sacks have also been effective with dementia sufferers, triggering early memories.
"This is an inclusive activity, using the creative skills so widespread in the church and community and giving a great deal of pleasure to the makers and the recipients."

This story first appeared in the weekly mailing of the Yorkshire Baptist Association, and is republished with permission
Baptist Times, 04/04/2019