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Channel 4 film captures impact of Covid-19 

On Monday night (6 April) Channel 4 aired a moving Dispatches film A Day in the Life of Coronavirus Britain


C4 DispatchesIt featured footage made by people on their phones on Friday, and was directed by Anna Hall, a multi-award winning documentary maker based in Leeds, and the wife of a Baptist minister. The aim was to show how people are adapting to life in the lockdown, and share stories that are not being told.
Anna’s documentaries are normally made over a much longer period, typically up to a year.
Seeking to prime people to contribute a week ago, she described it as 'the most bonkers move of my career - we are going to create an hour long film in just 3 days.'
In all 3185 clips were received. A team of 46 worked solidly over three days to splice the footage together in readiness for the film’s Monday night slot. The documentary touches on the funny and the poignant, and gauges the impact of CV19 on the country.
Tweeting on Monday, Anna wrote: 'Oh my actual goodness... What an INCREDIBLE EFFORT from the people of Britain. I love love love this film. Please watch and share!! 3185 clips later.. a lot of sleepless nights by ALOT of people!! #inaday #incredibleteam
Anna’s husband is Baptist minister Simon Hall. He mentioned the film features folk from Revive and Chapel Allerton Baptist Church, the two churches he serves.
‘There's no explicit Christian message, but it's as funny and joyful and hopeful as a film about a global pandemic can be,’ he said.

Baptist Times, 07/04/2020
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