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'An expectancy that God will speak'

Flora Davies introduces a missional discipleship course that challenges us to step out and share the Good News with all peoples


KairosThe Bible tells us that God’s heart is for all people, from every nation. Kairos is a missional discipleship course based on this Good News for all and unpacks it in the light of scripture, history and what God is doing today, challenging us to step out and share the Good News with all peoples.

The Kairos course has been on offer in the UK since 2001 and the office currently operates out of Harehills Lane Baptist Church, Leeds.

Courses are run either over a term within churches or as 5-day residential events. Participants are encouraged to come to Kairos with an expectancy that God will speak. Again and again, people testify to personal challenges to step out and share the Good News where they are – and sometimes even

In 2003 one young student took Kairos and still describes his life as being ‘turned upside-down and inside-out’ by it. Today he and his family live in South Asia, ministering among a displaced Muslim people.

The leadership team from Harehills Lane Baptist Church went through Kairos together in 2016. Kamal speaks of how, as a Christian from Pakistan, God used this to challenge her preconceived ideas about Muslims. She and her husband are now stepping out to reach out to their Muslim neighbours.

I first came across Kairos in 2005 when working as a mission mobiliser with WEC International. I trained as a Kairos facilitator, then found that each time I ran a course God challenged me on my lack of engagement in local mission! In 2013, I decided to step out and volunteer two days a week with asylum seekers in Wakefield. I now have a network of local non-Christian friends and contacts.

In 2016, I was invited to join the staff at Wakefield Baptist Church part-time, heading up the church’s work with asylum seekers.

My other role is as National Co-ordinator for Simply Mobilising UK. This ministry that began with Kairos has recently expanded to offer more tools that can help you step out to share the Good News. For those who find Kairos too time-intensive, our new starter course The Unfinished Story can be run as four evening sessions. Or, if you want to explore what it means to see work as part of your worship we recommend Empowered to Influence.

For information on all Simply Mobilising courses go to http://simplymobilising.org.uk or contact us at kairosuk.office@gmail.com

Flora leads Wakefield Baptist Church's work with asylum seekers, and is also National Co-ordinator for Simply Mobilising UK.

This article was part of a Yorkshire Baptist Association advent reflection, and is used with permission

Baptist Times, 19/12/2017
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