'A sense of self-worth and achievement'
A special event saw 10 deaf people successfully gain first aid qualifications in a course delivered by a Baptist minister

David Callander, minister at Ilkley Baptist Church and Susan Myatt, a minister at Rising Brook Baptist Church in Stafford, trained together at Northern Baptist College. David has taught first aid for churches for many years, and Susan (who is profoundly deaf) has grown deaf cafes and ministers to the deaf community.
Susan asked David if it was possible to train seven deaf students in first aid, and that's how a very special event came to take place at the (Baptist) Church on the Crossing, in Stone, Staffordshire, on the first Saturday of June.
David said, 'The course was relatively simple to run, with just some adjustments needed on how to call the ambulance by text instead of voice, and procedural videos needing subtitles. Much credit goes to our two 'signers' who translated the instructions to the students."
Three volunteers from Rising Brook were also trained, and all seven deaf students showed tremendous enthusiasm for the training. All ten passed the course with flying colours, and now have new, level three, first aid qualifications. In our photo, David is shown with the students on the far left, and Susan is on the far right.
Susan praised her fellow students. She said, 'They achieved so much. Frequently deaf people are undervalued and ignored. Now our students are fully qualified in first aid, and can fulfil a much needed role in both their church and work communities.
'It helps give them a sense of self-worth and achievement.'
If you would like any information on "not for profit" First Aid or Health & Safety training for churches, email David at ilkleybaptistchurch@virginmedia.com or for more information or advice on deaf matters contact Susan at sm@baptist-heartofengland.org
Baptist Times, 05/06/2018