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Helping people face a future they didn’t choose


TheMessage LogoA new resource that seeks to help people meet God as they walk the path of grief has been launched by Christian charity The Message Trust


Grief is not something any of us like to think about but will touch us all at some point. Never has this been more true than at the moment as we battle the global Covid-19 pandemic. But how in these hard times can we meet God and let His grace guide us through?

In 2016, Tim Tucker, CEO of Message South Africa, found his life changed forever when he suddenly lost his wife Laura to a brain aneurysm. Overnight, he was plunged into one of the hardest times of his life for both him and his three children. In the depths of his grief, he cried out to God and began to sense His grace and courage meet him when he needed it most. Slowly he began to see that grief and grace could coexist and together they could help him face a future that he didn’t choose.

How can this be our story? And how can we help others as they walk the path of grief?

Tim is now sharing his poignant story and what he’s learnt along the way in a brand-new six-part series – Grief and Grace. Through stories and teaching, the series will help those walking the path of grief and equip us all to have the courage and faith to trust God’s grace in our darkest hours.

The first episode will be broadcasting live on Thursday 4 February at 5pm on The Message Trust’s YouTube channel as part of Message Live. New episodes will then be released each Thursday over the next six weeks. If you can’t watch live, don’t worry you can catch up on all the episodes at message.org.uk/griefandgrace

Speaking about the series Tim Tucker said “In my experience, so many people find it difficult to talk about bereavement. I share my story in order to help others find courage and hope when their world has fallen apart. I hope that this series will help many people find the comfort of God’s grace, particularly as so many people are experiencing loss and pain at this time.”


The Message is a UK Christian charity delivering Christian schools work, creating Christian Youth resources whilst encouraging local Christian mission and evangelism training.  They are a worldwide movement passionate about sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the hardest-to-reach young people in words and deeds. In schools, communities, on buses and in prisons you’ll find them giving hope to the next generation by sharing the gospel with them. Each and every day we see lives transformed as people discover their true identity.

For further information contact:
Kate Ruddick, Communications Manager, The Message Trust by email to kate.ruddick@message.org.uk


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