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The Revd Peter Wilson: 1933–2020 

Baptist minister and gifted musician and composer who encouraged musicians within his churches to use their gifting in services

Peter WilsonThe Revd Peter Wilson was born in Kettering and attended Fuller Baptist Church, where he came to faith.

He was a keen amateur swimmer and went on to become Northampton county champion for a number of years.
On leaving school he went into the RAF to do his national service and it was during this time that he met his wife Marjorie.

Although Peter had won a scholarship to Cambridge university he recognised that he had been called into the ministry and attended Spurgeon’s College from 1954–1958.

Following on from college Peter went on to minister at Abbots Langley from 1958–1965, Leighton Buzzard 1965–1975 and then to Dedworth Green Baptist Church in Windsor from 1975–1989. Peter concluded his ministry at Ashdon and Great Sampford Baptist Churches in Essex.

In each of his pastorates was involved in many and various community activities including as  a canoe instructor to help with the local scout troop,  a marriage guidance councillor and driving a minibus for the church’s mobility group.

Apart from his ministry Peter was a gifted musician and composer and encouraged musicians within his churches to use their gifting in services. He was also an accomplished woodworker and many of his friends have received gifts of candle stick holders, clocks etc.

In retirement Peter and Marjorie moved to Gosport where together they were able to use their musical gifts in both the local church and with the Lea Singers.

Peter is survived by Marjorie and his son Paul and daughter Sally.

We hold Marjorie, Paul, Sally and the wider family in our prayers.

Carol Edwards (Secretary at Dedworth Green Baptist Church during Peter’s ministry)

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     The Baptist Times 
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