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The Revd Bob Mills: 1944-2022 

A large congregation from many churches and all walks of life gathered at Keynsham Baptist Church on 3 October 2022 for a service of thanksgiving for the life and ministry of Bob Mills. They came to celebrate a man whose sensitive pastoral ministry and city centre chaplaincy had touched the lives of countless people.   

Bob MillsBob was born in Southmead, Bristol, on 17 August 1944. His future calling was predicted while still at primary school when a teacher told his parents their son would become a church minister. Bob later attended Merrywood Grammar School for Boys, where his talent for all kinds of sport was quickly recognised. Leaving school at 16, Bob joined the Robinson’s Cardboard Box Factory in Fishponds and trained as an estimator. He sang in the choir at Horfield Baptist Church where he was also a popular member of the youth group. It was through Horfield that he met his wife-to-be Janet, and it was on one of their youth camps, in Exmouth, that he sensed God’s call to train for the pastoral ministry.
As a result, aged just 20, Bob enrolled with Bristol Baptist College where he engaged in a lot of study, played a lot of sport (goalkeeper for the college football team, despite his modest height), and (with permission from the principal) married Janet.
1968 saw Bob’s ordination at Horfield Baptist Church and his calling to a small group of churches in Yeovil where he became assistant minister to the Revd T Carew Mitchell. Bob was particularly active in the community at Westfield, where he ran a youth club (taking no prisoners at table tennis!) and inaugurated a Friendship Centre. In 1972, Bob and Janet moved to Castle Bromwich and led the church there for eight years before moving to Keynsham, where he served for a further eight years. During this time, he used his competence at many sports to draw alongside people, listening to their troubles and sharing God’s love. He did the same through his love of music.
Soon after arriving in Keynsham, Bob organised the church’s first holiday, which became an annual event. Bob wrote of these times away, 'For many reasons people will be looking back at visits, walks, conversations for months to come and as a fellowship we will never be the same again. Through a deeper and more trusting understanding of each other, friendships have developed which God can do so much more with than before.'

Bob was also instrumental in creating a vision for redeveloping the premises at Keynsham. Although Bob had moved on by the time the vision came to fruition, the fact that the church now has much improved facilities that are well used by the local community owes much to Bob’s wisdom and drive.  
During his church pastorates, Bob always ensured that he made time for his family. He, Janet, and their two sons Tony and Chris, enjoyed many holidays on the west coast of Wales where Bob was also able to indulge his love of swimming in the sea, whatever the weather. His enthusiasm and his wonderful sense of humour meant that both his home life and his service within the community afforded an attractive example of what a Christian life should look like.
Alongside his church responsibilities, Bob always made time for chaplaincy work, so it wasn’t surprising that when the redeveloped Broadmead Baptist Church was considering the establishment of a city centre chaplaincy in Bristol, they approached Bob. Bob took up this exciting opportunity in 1987 and spent the next 22 years visiting shops, businesses and staff canteens, drawing alongside all kinds of people as they faced the pressures of city centre life. The strap-line of the Broadmead fellowship was: “the church above the shops” but, in reality, it was the Christ within the shops that Bob was keen to introduce people to, and he did this very effectively. His visits to workplaces became affectionately known by those who benefitted from them as “Bob Time”.    
Bob finally retired in 2009 and moved with Janet to Thornbury. Throughout his ministry, Bob kept up his contacts with Bristol Baptist College and for some time coordinated a pastoral fund for past students who found themselves in any difficulty.
Bob’s caring way with people from all walks of life will always be remembered; as will his wonderful smile, which was still bringing pleasure to the health professionals and carers who supported him at home in the months before his peaceful passing on 25 July 2022.
As the current minister of Keynsham Baptist Church, I am one of many who now benefit from Bob’s legacy and who will seek to follow the example he set us all in life and service.

Kevin Durrant, minister, Keynsham Baptist Church  


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