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The Revd Peter Webb: 1940-2022 

'Peter was greatly gifted in ministry. His voice, intelligence, wisdom and humour enriched the life of many in the Baptist world and beyond. He loved his Lord and tried to follow and serve Him all his life'

Peter Webb1Peter was brought up in an Anglican Church in Cardiff. He became a Baptist when he was in his late teens. He felt called to the ministry after taking part in Baptist Student Federation missions while at Cardiff University.  

Before starting his Theological Training at Regent's Park College, Oxford in 1963 he was on the staff of a Baptist Missionary Society Summer School where he met Elizabeth Robertson. They married in 1965.  They have three adult children and seven grandchildren. 

Peter spent his whole working life in ministry serving five different churches.

Biggin Hill (Kent) 1966 to 69 where he was also free church chaplain at RAF Biggin Hill; Morningside Baptist, Edinburgh, 1969 to 1975; Tyndale Baptist, Bristol, 1975 to 1987; Harrow Baptist, 1987 to 1995; South Street Baptist Church, Exeter 1995 to 2005.

Since 2014 Peter and Elizabeth have been living at Backwell, Bristol and, for all that they made lots of connections in the village, not least ecumenical ones, they made their way one Sunday into Bristol, to attend Tyndale. They were warmly welcomed, especially by those who remembered and had benefitted hugely from their ministry in the late 70s and early 80s; Peter had been during those years a fine preacher and pastor and involved in local broadcasting and university chaplaincy work. Elizabeth had started a liturgical dance group, some of whose members continued to participate in services for many years.

They came into membership at Tyndale again, and over the last few years have played a significant part in the life of the current church. Peter’s remarkable voice has made many a reading of Scripture very special (I recall the time when he brought the Nathan/David story in 2 Samuel to life, and the moment of awed silence when he intoned ‘you are the man!’); his preaching was still sharp and rich and called upon regularly, at Tyndale and elsewhere, until his decision (not long ago) no longer to preach.

Peter was greatly gifted in ministry. His voice, intelligence, wisdom and humour enriched the life of many in the Baptist world and beyond. He loved his Lord and tried to follow and serve Him all his life. Peter touched the lives of many people in the churches he served and in the local community. 

His warm friendly smile and welcome acceptance of all who he met endeared him to the hearts of many. They gathered in large numbers at a thanksgiving service at Tyndale in May 2022. He will be greatly missed by them all, but especially by his wife and their family. 

The Revd Michael Docker 

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The Revd Pat Heap: 1938-2024
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     The Baptist Times 
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