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The Revd Roy Plant: 1930-2024 

Former electrical engineer who became a Baptist minister and was widely involved in the life of the Baptist Union, East Midlands Baptist Association and Derbyshire Baptists for many years

Rev Roy PlantThe Revd Roy Plant was born at Eastwood in 1930, the fifth of eight children. Following school and college, Roy trained as an electrical engineer with the National Coal Board. After 12 years he became a lecturer in this subject at West Notts College, Mansfield.

Roy and his wife, Jean, were members of Eastwood Baptist Church, where Roy served as a deacon and treasurer. Roy was a Baptist Union Accredited Lay Preacher in the East Midlands Baptist Association (EMBA). He served on many committees of the EMBA and Derbyshire Baptists, and attended many BU Conferences.

In 1982 he started ministry training at Northern Baptist College, and was ordained and accredited when called to the pastorate of Heanor Baptist Church in 1985, where he ministered for 12 years.

In retirement, they became members of Swanwick Baptist Church where Roy also served as a deacon and secretary.

Roy served as a moderator to several Baptist churches, including Belper, Crich, Pear Tree, Broadway and Newthorpe.

Roy passed away, peacefully in his sleep on 30 December.

His funeral will take place at Swanwick Crematorium on Wednesday 5 February at 10am, followed by a Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration at Swanwick Baptist Church at 11am.

Roy leaves Jean, his wife of 72 years, three children and a clutch of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 

David Herbert, minister of Whitwick Baptist Church, and Roy's son-in-law

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The Revd Pat Heap: 1938-2024
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The Revd Roy Plant: 1930-2024
Former electrical engineer who became a Baptist minister and was widely involved in the life of the Baptist Union, East Midlands Baptist Association and Derbyshire Baptists for many years
The Revd Ronald (Ron) P.M.Marr: 1932–2024
Former Baptist minister, production editor and secretary of the Publications Committee at The Baptist Times
     The Baptist Times 
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