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'Pray for students this Sunday' 

Churches are being invited to pray for students around the world on Student Sunday, 17 February 2019 


Student SundayStudent Sunday, known internationally as the Universal Day of Prayer for Students, is one of the oldest global ecumenical days of prayer, and recognises the extraordinary contribution of students to the life of the church and their role in serving their communities. It also highlights the challenges facing students, and their need for continued prayer and practical support.

Hilary Topp, National Coordinator of the Student Christian Movement said, 'Students have a vital role to play in showing us how the world can be. Students push at the boundaries, calling the church to be prophetic in its witness, truly inclusive and to model the kingdom of God.

'At this time of global instability and uncertainty they need our love and prayers as much as ever.' 

SCM has created a toolkit that includes prayers and reflections from students as well as church leaders to help churches mark Student Sunday with their congregations. 

The Revd Dr Paul Goodliff, General Secretary of Churches Together in England, underlines the importance of praying for students in the introduction to the resource, 'Students need our prayers that (…) they will be guarded by God's grace, empowered to grow into the people who will make their contribution to human flourishing, and discover that by finding and growing in faith in Christ they can have life in all its fullness.' 

You can find out more and download the Toolkit on the Student Christian Movement website at www.movement.org.uk/student-sunday 


Baptist Times, 12/02/2019
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