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'Halt roll-out of Universal Credit' 

The Joint Public Issues Team has called on the Government to halt the roll-out of Universal Credit following a damning report by the National Audit Office


JPIT universal creditThe National Audit Office (NAO) report Rolling out Universal Credit found that Universal Credit is not value for money and is failing to meet its financial objectives. It is the first official document to take seriously the concerns of claimants and acknowledge the problems they are facing.

In a statement, JPIT said 'A benefit system which drives families into debt and leaves people hungry is a failing benefit system.' 

JPIT, which sees the Baptist Union, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church working together on political issues, has long expressed concern about Universal Credit and the damaging effects it is having on communities. Spokesman Paul Morrison said the findings were 'deeply concerning but not a surprise.'

Churches around the country are supporting people who are affected by Universal Credit, and it is clear that lives are being damaged by Universal Credit, Paul said.  

'I met a single mum at a parent and toddlers' group in West London. She cried when she told me about her experience of Universal Credit. She is worse off, struggling to make ends meet and as a result has to stop her childcare course at college.

'The policy that cut her benefits was intended to “incentivise work”. In reality it made her life more difficult and closed down her opportunities. Her story is sadly unexceptional.

'Half of people receiving Universal Credit report going into debt. This is the result of delayed, inadequate, and irregular payments. It makes budgeting impossible and can make debt inevitable. The DWP’s own figures show that 4 in 10 people reported serious financial difficulties, whilst 1 in 10 waited more than 11 weeks for payment. In Universal Credit areas foodbank use went up 52 per cent, whereas in other areas it was 13 per cent. The case is incontrovertible.

'Universal Credit is failing, and the poorest are suffering the consequences. A benefit system which drives families into debt and leaves them hungry is a failing benefit system.'

Paul said the Universal Credit will continue to damage unless those using it are properly heard. 

'Universal Credit was designed by people who were highly literate, with access to computers and a full bank account. As soon as the system met people who didn’t fit this model it began to fail,' he explained.

'Until the voice of those who use the benefit system is listened to and valued, Universal Credit will continue to cause harm to the communities it is meant to serve.'

The Churches have called on the Government to:

  • halt the roll-out of Universal Credit
  • commission independent research into the effects of Universal Credit
  • engage with the people who use the system to design an approach that meets their needs.


Universal Credit - from bad to farce (JPIT blog)
When will the Government recognise that Universal Credit is in trouble? (JPIT blog)
Baptist Times, 15/06/2018
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