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Government urged to ensure Universal Credit meets families' needs after latest foodbank figures  

A record number of emergency food packages were distributed to people in the Trussell Trust network of foodbanks last year, with figures released by the charity showing an increase of 13 per cent compared to the year before

Trussell Trust 2018
Where Universal Credit – the future of our benefits system – has seen full roll-out, demand for emergency food is rising by 52 per cent, the Trussell Trust stated,   
The Joint Public Issues Team welcomed the report and called on Government to focus on ensuring Universal Credit meets families’ basic needs.
Paul Morrison, who advises the Joint Public Issues Team, said, ‘A benefit system that allows families to go hungry is a benefit system that is failing.

‘The Government’s drive to reduce spending and to focus on work incentives means we have lost sight of the purpose of a welfare system – ensuring that families are able to meet their most basics of needs – including food. Cuts to Universal Credit have been justified as providing an incentive to work. It is now clear that reducing and delaying the incomes of some of the poorest families has significant consequences including hunger.

‘The work of the Trussell Trust and the others providing emergency food aid is vital. Many churches are committed to hosting and supporting these projects, but it is a source of sadness and anger that emergency food is needed more and more.’

Over the past year there have been increasing reports from churches and ministers of numerous families seeking help because of Universal Credit.

The Revd David Hardman, a minister based in Southwark, commented on his recent experiences: ‘A new father called at my door. He was struggling; waiting for a delayed Universal Credit payment and doing his best to keep his family going.

‘The foodbank had helped but it became clear that his baby needed nappies and other supplies, he just didn’t have the money to pay for them. The church helped by buying what he needed for his baby I also made sure he had money on his travel card so he could keep looking for work and avoid being sanctioned. It is a privilege to be able to help families like these – but we shouldn’t need to and certainly not so often.’

Paul added, ‘Most people who struggle because of Universal Credit will not visit a food bank or knock on a church door.
‘The food bank clients are the tip of the iceberg, a warning sign that must be heeded if we are to prevent disaster for many families.’

In response, the Department for Work and Pensions said that the reasons why people use foodbanks are complex, and that the Trussell Trust's figures were based on a small sample before significant improvements to Universal Credit came into effect. 

Shooting the messenger: DWP’s responds to news that Universal Credit is driving Foodbank use - Paul Morrison's JPIT blog 
Baptist Times, 30/04/2018
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