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Re: The Reformation - and the Declaration of Principle
Perhaps another principle from the Reformation that we need to get back to is the Myles Coverdale method of studying the bible. He said “It shall greatly help ye to understand the Scriptures if thou mark not only what is spoken or written, but of whom and to whom, with what words, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstances, considering what goeth before and what followeth after." In other words let the scripture say what is says rather than trying to interpret it to suit ourselves. 
It is amazing how many problems and differences this solves!

Re: How did the Reformation change the Church?
Thanks for the comprehensive and very readable write-up. I enjoyed it Mark.
I think for balance here is an article that lays out what Protestants lost because of the Reformation. What do you think?
Chris Goswami

Re: Baptist Union Council: November 2017 
A good and comprehensive report - thank you!
Andrew Kleissner

Re: Would Jesus drive a diesel?
It has long struck me that many of our churches - especially the larger ones - would be in deep trouble if we took ecology seriously and said that, except for people with mobility problems, everyone should walk to church on Sunday or use public transport. On the other hand, it might be a real "boost" to village churches and also help Christians to locate their faith and service within their local community.
Andrew Kleissner

Re: Celebrating diversity in Inter Faith Week
You can just imagine Paul and the Apostles cuddling up with a load of pagan idolaters in an 'inter faith' initiative can't you?
"As people of faith, we have so much that unites us in faith perspectives on life and we share many common values in our different faith traditions."
It's good to build bridges but these people need to hear the gospel o f Christ, otherwise they're lost.
"Have a great Inter Faith Week celebrating our amazing, God-given diversity."
I don't want religious diversity. I want everyone to know and love Jesus Christ, the only saviour of the world. Yes, I respect the right of others to believe what they want but Christians should be more interested in reaching people with the gospel than patting people on the back all the way to hell.
When did the Baptist Union become the Labour Party at prayer?

Re: Honours recognition for Hilary
I have had the privilege to spend time with this wonderful lady who has a real heart for children. She was persistent and persevering in her work to make faith real to them not only in the practicalities of holiday bible club but how she did relationship.
Tracy Pike (via Facebook)

Re: Bags of hope at Halloween
Well done everyone
Patricia Hutchinson (via Facebook)


Psalm 147.5 tells us that God’s knowledge, power and wisdom is infinite. He is omniscient and scripture gives Him the title of Alpha & Omega, the beginning and the end. Therefore it is reasonable and logical to deduce that when He gave us the scriptures, it was with the knowledge of the ages through which it would pass and be ready to speak to the issues in which His laws would be challenged.

When God gave Moses the inspired words in Genesis ‘God created human beings; He created them male and female,’ He was stating that He designated us our gender. Now had we lived in earlier centuries we might have asked why He included something so obvious but then God knows the end from the beginning. He knew the idea of gender fluidity from creation. A notion is surfacing that it is as easy to choose ones gender as it is to choose which beer we drink. It’s all a matter of personal choice. We should even encourage young children to consider their options.

There are so many different points of view being expressed in the world today and the media gives equal weight to those expressed by two or three people as to those expressed by millions and with the authority of an established & recognised record of millennium. God loves His church too much to see it floundering and without guidance on this matter. In Scripture when the early church was in trouble with such issues as unclean food the Lord gave clear guidance through leaders and prophets. Peter’s dream in Act 10 - Kill & Eat - comes to mind. We need a modern day prophet - a spiritual leader, an interpreter through whom the will of God is expressed. A leader willing to heed the words of Isaiah 6;8 when the Lord asked - Whom shall I send as a messenger to this people, who will go for us?" and the reply came, "Here I am. Send me."
We need the 29th chapter of the Book of Acts, we need a revelation… Write to the angel of the church in Britain…..Are there no Christian leaders left to speak for Him?

Christian Leaders been given tremendous authority and privilege but the scripture also says - ‘To those who are given much… much is required.’ There is plenty of Christian political leadership to discuss pay day loans, food banks and poverty but we have a need for some spiritual leaders too. The Lord has shown in Numbers 22:28 with the story of Balaam’s donkey that He will bypass convention if necessary. We are told… ask and you will receive and you do not have because you do not ask. Let’s pray that the Lord will envision a definitive answer to the gender issue. We know the enemy will bring forth counterfeit ideas but we will recognise the legitimate ones - ‘By their fruits ye shall know them’ and ‘They recognise his voice because they are familiar with it.’

This issue is an international one and the UK has historically been used of God to play a key role in kingdom issue - we pray we will not be found short on this occasion.
Rob Medway


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