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The Revd Cyril Millwood: 1928-2017

Baptist minister with interest in physics and art

Cyril MillwoodBorn in Willesden, London, the last son of Robert and Ada Millwood, Cyril was one of six siblings.

Cyril and his brother John were evacuated during World War II to Northampton, and when the war finished did their national service in the Industries of National Importance, food in Cyril’s case. He then studied Physics at Battersea College, which eventually led to a job in Bridgewater at British Cellophane.

There he was baptised, and very soon afterwards sensing a call to the Baptist ministry retrained at Bristol Baptist College. He met Helen Rae while on holiday in Scotland with his college friend George Jackson. Helen and Cyril married and set up home in Bristol, before being called to Cyril’s first church in Watchet and Stogumber (1959-66).  

They moved again twice for work, to a Bristol church in Shirehampton (1966-69), and then to Union Street in Crewe where they stayed for 24 years. His interest in physics never waned, one of the deacons remarked that the church still uses the speakers that Cyril built in the late 80s.

Upon retirement, having to leave the manse in Crewe, they chose to move to Worcester. Cyril could now pursue his interest in art with oil pastel drawings. He also had time to follow up his reading on Christians in Science.

Cyril is survived by his wife and two children and a grandchild. His funeral was held in Worcester on 1 November. 

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