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New event explores church role in cultural transformation

A two-day event this autumn will bring together Christians to discuss the future of our towns and cities

Movement Day500Movement Day UK will explore the role the whole church can play in their spiritual, cultural and social transformation.
'We are facing some significant challenges as a nation over the next few years,' said Baptist minister the Revd Roger Sutton, organiser of Movement Day UK.

'What future do we want for our children and the places we live in? How can we heal the divisions? How can we support the most vulnerable and reach our potential as a nation?'
Roger, a former church leader and co-chair of the Trafford borough strategic partnership in Manchester, explained that Movement Day UK is not so much a 'big tent' as a 'large lounge' where Christians from churches and those working in business, arts, health, politics, local government, media, education and more from across cities and towns can engage in new conversations as they imagine a better future for our towns and cities.
Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney, the police lead on children and young people, Sadiq Khan Mayor of London and Marvin Rees Mayor of Bristol have been invited alongside Chief Superintendent David Smart, head of Prevent, to help lead the conversation.

Speakers include Church leaders such Cardinal Vincent Nichols, leader of the Catholic Church of England and Wales, Pastor Agu Irukwu of the fast-growing Redeemed Church of God, Debra Green of ROC a major charity linking police to the third sector, Fran Beckett former CEO Shaftesbury Society, Bishop Angaelos, head of the UK Coptic Church who has been a leading spokesman on the plight of Christians in the Middle East, the theologian Elaine Storkey, Rob Parsons of Care for the Family and business leaders Ram Gidomool former CEO of Inlaks group and Andy Street founding director of SLR one of the fastest growing global environmental consulting firms. Baptist Union general secretary Lynn Green and president Dianne Tidball are taking part in a unity prayer event.
The event also features Gavin Calver of the Evangelical Alliance, Celia Apeagyei-Collins who is recognised as in the top 10 of influential black leaders, Bishop Pete Broadbent, Acting Bishop of London, Steve Clifford of the Evangelical Alliance, Billy Kennedy of the Pioneer Network and other leaders in business, fashion, arts, church, media, education and politics.

Movement Day UK is held in central London 6 and 7 October. Visit http://www.movementday.uk/ to book and for more info.


Art as a tool for understanding our time and place Our ability to share, reimagine and communicate God’s kingdom on earth is helped by taking notice of the art that surrounds us, writes Lesley Sutton
Baptist Times, 23/08/2017
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