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'A society where all are enabled to flourish'

Lynn Green has joined leaders of Britain's free churches in issuing a statement about the General Election exactly a week before the nation goes to the polls

Polling station700

The statement recognises that Christians will 'prayerfully vote for a variety of parties and candidates in good conscience,' before asking what sort of society we would wish our government to build.

The leaders state that our vision will never be achieved by humankind alone, and that we need to look beyond human timeframes to the coming Kingdom of God. 'It is this future hope that gives meaning and direction to present struggles,' the statement continues.

'Jesus offers us abundant life, life in all its fullness, and we are called to reflect this eternal promise on earth as it is in heaven.

'If we believe that all people are made in the image of God, we must surely pray, work and vote for a society in which all people are enabled to flourish and live life in all its fullness in the here and now too.'

The statement in full:

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
As we prepare for the General Election, we recognise that Christians across our nations will prayerfully vote for a variety of parties and candidates in good conscience. We celebrate the fact that Christian people are inspired by their faith to debate passionately – and to disagree well – on how the United Kingdom should be governed at this present moment.
While much of the debate around the election is rightly focused on individual policies, it is also our duty to ask what sort of society we would wish our government to build. As Christians we have to embrace the reality that our vision will never be achieved by humankind alone, and to look beyond our human timeframes to the coming of the Kingdom of God. It is this future hope that gives meaning and direction to present struggles.   
Jesus offers us abundant life, life in all its fullness, and we are called to reflect this eternal promise on earth as it is in heaven. If we believe that all people are made in the image of God, we must surely pray, work and vote for a society in which all people are enabled to flourish and live life in all its fullness in the here and now too.
This is a society in which everyone has enough food, resources, shelter and opportunity to succeed, and where people are not left behind or damaged by poverty and inequality.
This is a society where our common humanity is valued and respected, where people can find refuge, and where everyone can contribute towards the common good.
This is a society that acts to protect God’s creation, and seeks to be a peaceful influence in the world, promoting human rights, religious freedom and economic justice for all.
So we invite you to pray for everyone standing for office and for all voters. We pray that Christians across our nations entering the polling booth on 8 June do so as followers of Jesus Christ, seeking to take part in creating a society which reflects God’s kingdom of goodness and of justice. A society that encourages life in all its fullness.

Revd Lynn Green, General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain
Rt Rev Dr Derek Browning, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Revd Dr Roger L Walton, President of the Methodist Conference 

Ms Rachel Lampard MBE, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference
Revd Kevin Watson, General Assembly Moderator of the United Reformed Church


Image | RachelH | Flickr | Creative Commons
Baptist Times, 01/06/2017
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