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New event to showcase Baptist research

Theology Live! is a new day event featuring Baptists engaged in theological and biblical research. By event organisers Andy Goodliff and Simon Woodman

Theology live700

Did you know that there are bunch of Baptists engaged in theological and biblical research? We believe too often much of this ‘light is hidden under a bowl’, to borrow from Jesus. We would like to help put the light of this research on a stand, so it might give greater light among Baptist people.

This is the reason we have set up Theology Live! Taking the model of Catalyst Live from BMS, we are organising a day for 13 Baptists* to share something of their research.

We hope this might network some of us together, and that it might offer a window for others to learn and to be inspired. We hope it won't be a one off, and that there might be future days where others can present too.

This is a call to take our minds seriously, to be open to the renewing of our minds, to value those who have exercised their minds to think deeply about God, the Bible, the church, mission and more.

Theology Live! is taking place on Monday 11th December, 9.30-5.30pm at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, London.

* The contributors are Myra Blyth, Andy Goodliff, Paul Goodliff, Sian Hancock, Martin Hobgen, Ashley Lovett, Ruth Moriarty, Trevor Neill, Helen Paynter, Michael Peat, Edward Pillar, Pat Took and Simon Woodman

You can get your free ticket here:

Andy Goodliff is minister of Belle Vue Baptist Church, Southend, and Simon Woodman is co-minister of Bloomsbury Central Baptist, London



Baptist Times, 03/05/2017
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