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Pray for BMS this Sunday

Are you leading prayers at church on Sunday? Here’s a prayer you can use to mark the BMS Day of Prayer

This Sunday (5 February) is a special day for BMS World Mission. It’s our annual Day of Prayer, when we give thanks to God for the way he has blessed our work worldwide over the last year and pray for the challenges and opportunities we anticipate over the coming 12 months.
We would love you to take part and would really value your prayers. Thank you if you already have planned to have a special prayer meeting and will be using the Day of Prayer resources like the booklet, video or map. 
If you don’t have much time to pray for BMS in your church service, why not use the short prayer below as part of your intercessions?


A prayer for BMS Day of Prayer

Heavenly Father, on this Day of Prayer, we thank you for BMS World Mission as they seek to bring people to faith and help them experience the abundant life that only you can provide.
We thank you for the many lives that have been already transformed by you through BMS over the last year, and for the opportunity for us to be part of your work.
We pray that you will strengthen BMS staff, mission workers, volunteers and local partners as they serve and reach out to the most marginalised and least evangelised people worldwide. Help them to provide hope to the hopeless through church, education, health, justice, development, relief and leadership ministries. May their actions be inspired by the values of love, integrity, faith and excellence. Guide and encourage them and bless the lives of those that they are loving and supporting.
We ask this in Jesus’ name,

Thank you for your prayers this Sunday and throughout the year. We really appreciate them. You are helping to strengthen the World Church and are playing your part in the Great Commission Jesus has called us to. Thank you.

Pray every week for BMS by using the BMS Prayer Guide 2017

This article first appeared on the website of BMS World Mission and is used with permission. 

BMS World Mission, 04/02/2017
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