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Open air baptisms at Hope Whitby 

Hope Whitby, a missional community linked with Ebenezer Baptist Church in Scarborough, has celebrated two open air baptisms in recent weeks

Hope Whitby seaOn Sunday (7 August) Rose Fewlass, who used to attend Lister Hill Baptist Church while studying at Leeds University, was baptised in the sea at Whitby.

'We had a fantastic time at Rose’s baptism,' said Team Leader, Pastor Leigh Coates. 'It was a real blessing and the sun beamed as we prayed for her! The water wasn't that cold either, which was a bonus.'

In July the team held an end of season celebration in the woods at Falling Foss Woods. The evening included another open-air baptism.

'What an evening down in the woods at Falling Foss and especially the privilege of being able to share the baptism with Vicky,' the team wrote. 'What great courage to stand up and profess her love and commitment to Jesus.

'Vicky spoke brilliantly and used her testimony to speak about the way the God has opened her eyes to the beauty around us and the way that Jesus has changed her life and the way her Christian family are nurturing her.


'Let’s make sure we cover her in prayer.'

See more photos on Hope Whitby’s facebook page https://www.facebook.com/1hopewhitby


Baptist Times, 10/08/2016
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