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New training scheme for chaplains

Scottish Baptist College is to offer an undergraduate module in chaplaincy, the first of its kind in the country

More chaplains are needed in the workplace for Scotland’s growing Work Place Chaplaincy Scotland (WPCS) scheme – and they might come from Scottish Baptist College (SBC).
An exciting new development in Christian service is being offered to students at the college in Glasgow, thanks to a collaborative project with WPCS. For the first time in the country, it will be possible for students to take an undergraduate module, focused on chaplaincy, which will give them a foundation for both the theory and practices of this fast-growing ministry.
There are already more than 100 trained chaplains, who have been invited into workplaces across Scotland, from Shetland to the Borders; from supermarkets to airports, from royal mail delivery rooms to fire stations.
“Chaplains are increasingly recognised as playing a vital role in the wellbeing of those in the workplace,” said Rosemary Dewar from the WPCS.
“Demand for chaplaincy is such that we could place many more chaplains, which is why we are so delighted to be partnering with Scottish Baptist College to offer this new module,” said Rosemary.
The development of the work with SBC is aimed at the creation of a professional qualification in Chaplaincy that would be recognised by the University of the West of Scotland. It is anticipated that up to five chaplains from WPCS will be enrolled on this module in September.

The course will be taught by blended learning. Students will have six weeks of face-to-face lectures for embedded learning, mixed with the equivalent of six classes, based on a distance-learning model.
It will be co-ordinated by the Revd Dr Carol Campbell, Lead Chaplain for the Clyde Sector of Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board.
“This is an exciting opportunity to explore the nature of Chaplaincy and spiritual care and what it means to genuinely care for people,” said Dr Campbell. “The class time will be interactive as we learn from each other as well as from specialists in specific fields of chaplaincy.”
The first opportunity to take the class will be on Tuesday afternoon in the Autumn term of 2016 (Sept to Dec 2016). It will also consider the future shape and development of Chaplaincy, its challenges and opportunities.

Ian Birch, Principal of Scottish Baptist College said, “Chaplaincy is a growth area for Christian service and SBC welcomes the opportunity to be at the forefront of training and development for this valuable ministry in partnership with WPCS.”


Compiled by Kira Taylor

Baptist Times, 03/08/2016
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