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Baptists blog on the EU referendum

It's not long before the UK votes either to remain in or leave the European Union. How have Baptists been contributing to the debate? Here are some links to blog posts and articles

EU Parliament 700


Our story begins in exile: 'Baptist social theology and the EU referendum' - Steve Holmes, Baptist minister and Senior Lecturer in Theology at the University of St Andrew's (from his blog Shored Fragments)

The hokey cokey referendum - Nick Lear, Regional Minister Eastern Baptist Association (nucklearfishing)

EU Referendum blog - Chris Norden, minister of Haywards Heath Baptist Church (HHBCtogether)

EU Referendum – it’s not all about “us” - Phil Palmer, minister of Beverley Baptist Church, Hull (Philinthemiddle)

EU Referendum – British or European or…? - Phil Palmer (Philinthemiddle)

EU Referendum – a Christian approach - Phil Palmer (Philinthemiddle)

Europe: Yours Concerned - Roy Searle, Baptist minister and one of the Overseers of the Northumbria Community (northumbrianreflections) See also this short film Northern Voices on Europe, featuring Roy and others talking about the referendum.

EU or not EU? - Peter Shepherd, minister of Stoneygate Baptist Church in Leicester (eucharistosblog)

Final countdown to June 23rd - two points of view: remain by Jane Henderson, a Baptist minister in training, working in Openshaw, Manchester; leave by Stephen Burr, an elder of Bramhall Baptist Church (7minutes.net, blog of Chris Goswami, associate pastor at Brownley Green, Wythenshawe)

Leave or Remain? The Referendum on the EU - Peter Thomas, minister of North Springfield Baptist Church in Essex (Thoughts - Reflections from Rev Peter Thomas)

Published articles

EU: Let’s stay - Ian Bell, Baptist pastor who has served as the senior pastor of a number of UK Baptist Churches. He now works as a presenter and producer with Revelation Television (Evangelicals Now - temporary, free subscription required)

The EU debate and the gospel - Keith Clements, former General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches (Tyndale Baptist Church magazine)

Why Britain should stay in the European Union Tom Cunliffe, Seaford Baptist Church, East Sussex and a member of the European Movement (Evangelical Focus)

Baptist life and its European context - Tony Peck, General Secretary of the European Baptist Federation (Baptist Times)

Why Britain's EU referendum is a moment of crisis for Europe Joshua Searle, Tutor in Theology and Public Thought; and Assistant Director of Postgraduate Research at Spurgeon's College (Christian Today)

"Brexit is the solution" - Ian Tutton, minister at The Free Church, Hampstead Garden Suburb (Baptist Times)

Other resources

Think, Pray, Vote - A series of briefing notes to help Free Churches reflect about the referendum on the European Union from the Joint Public Issues Team

The EU Referendum - what does it all mean? Baptist pastor Andy Fitchet has produced two guides to the EU referendum, one for everyone and one for those who are interested in thinking about this theologically

Reimagining Europe - a multidisciplinary blog hosted by the Church of England and the Church of Scotland with the editorial support of Crucible, the Christian Journal of Social Ethics.

Christians for Britain 

The EU Referendum - how should we decide? - Andrew Goddard (Grove booklet)


Picture: European Union 2016

Please let us know if there are any other Baptist blogs or articles on the EU referendum, either in the comments section below or by emailing phobson@baptist.org.uk

Baptist Times, 08/06/2016
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