Bringing Indian evangelism to the streets of Leicester
Two people gave their lives to Jesus when BMS World Mission pastor Ben Francis and UK evangelist Chris Duffett joined forces to help East Midlands Christians share Christ with their neighbours
Twenty Christians from churches in the East Midland Baptist Association gathered together earlier this month to share
Jesus in the city of Leicester.
They had been equipped by two great BMS-supported evangelists. Ben Francis brought his vast experience of successfully sharing the good news with unreached people in India, and Chris Duffett brought his deep knowledge of engaging people in the UK in spiritual conversation. Both also came armed with masses of enthusiasm and a real passion for getting out and sharing the gospel with people who don’t yet know Christ.
Central Baptist Church Leicester hosted the event, which involved two hours of training by Ben and Chris, followed by time chatting with people in Leicester town centre. Attendees were challenged to take risks and taught to share their testimonies in three minutes, simply by saying a minute about each of these three things: their life before Christ, finding Christ, and their life with Christ. They were then encouraged to go out and tell people their story.
The team was divided into three groups. One group went treasure hunting with Chris – praying for God to show them who he wanted them to talk to, and then going to find them and minister to them. One group, led by Regional Minister Dianne Tidball, was available with free hugs and listening ears. And one group went with Ben to give out sweets and fruit and engage people in conversation. Two people who Ben spoke with gave their lives to Christ!
The day was a big success, and it is hoped that it will be a springboard for those at Central Baptist Church Leicester, and for Christians across the East Midlands, to step out in different ways to love their communities.
Leicester is one of the most diverse cities in the UK – a third of the population was born outside the country, 18 per cent of people are Muslim and 15 per cent are Hindu. The city was a great location for BMS to share our overseas experience with the UK Church. Ben was able to explain the way he communicates the gospel to people of other faiths, and then he and Chris were able to support UK Christians as they put it into practice.
“It was really brilliant to see the experience of mission overseas being applied and used within the UK,” says BMS UK Field Leader Graham Doel, who organised the event.
We eagerly await seeing what inspiring outreach those involved in this month’s event do next!
This article first appeared on the website of BMS World Mission and is used with permission
BMS World Mission, 22/05/2015