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August 2014

The case of the ‘missing’ prayer
I absolutely agree, John. I am troubled that our spirituality has become so personalised that it has become insular and self-centred.
I was at a service recently, the sermon included the text "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" but there was no mention of Gaza etc. - admittedly the preacher was making a rather different set of points. We also sang songs about God's greatness and power which left me acheing inside as I wanted to say, "How is God's greatness being displayed in his apparent inability to act in these terrible situations?"
I grant that those of us who do pray for the world can end up merely reiterating yesterday's news bulletin for the sake of the conversation, or praying in the most general terms "for all the poor people". But there is surely a place for these great national and international happenings in our intercessions.
I'm not wanting to "blow my own trumpet". But last Sunday we prayed in our service for the intractable situations of our world such as Israel/Palestine, Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan; we also gave thanks for the Commonwealth Games, asking that they might be a source of cohesion and peace. Leading on from our sermon on "mustard seed action" for God's Kingdom we prayed for people who are trying to change entrenched practices such as Female Genital Mutilation or “Honour” Killing; we also mentioned two specific Christian initiatives being made our town, one to transform a difficult estate, the other among asylum seekers.
Will that do? (It might have been too many!)
Baptist Trainfan

Unless you become as a little child...
Not ashamed to admit it: I cried too! I've just been reading about Jesus' talk with the disciples in Mark 10:13-16 about children. This story illustrates it very well indeed.
Ian McManus

Why I support No More Page 3
First off, no-one forces anyone to buy The Times, the Daily Mail or The Sun - it's a choice adults can make. Second, if, as you say, "all objectification is morally wrong" how can you ever create a Nativity scene or hang up a crucifix? Dont be so judgemental with your 'Ban This, Ban that!' .....let's have a bit of 'different strokes for different folks'
Brummie Bloke

Where you go, I will go
Thanks, Chris. We can get our inspiration to follow Ruth and say, 'Where you go, I will go' by keeping close to our incarnational and relational Lord and remembering the brave young soldiers of 100 years ago and since. This is not easy if we truly go into the depths with others and don't turn back. Chaplains, counsellors and every church member can be called in this way.
Michael Ball

'Prayer does bring about change'
This is a very good approach to the stealthy growth of Islam in this country. We also need to be informed about what is happening to the Church in our world. Trust the next conference is as useful.
Mamie Freitaf  

'Make climate manifesto pledge'
God ties nature to man's obedience. The land belongs to God and if man's sinfulness and abomination go unchecked, nature travails. The GREENEST thing a Christian can do is follow the Great Commission, not a political effort to eliminate CO2. The CO2 is in man's soul and man needs perfecting (Heb 10:22). Suggest the UK Baptist peeps get back on track with the gospel of transformation, not new age green religion. Amos 4:7-9
Leland Williams Jr
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December 2024
The inspiring faith of Harriet Tubman; John and Sue Wilson
November 2024
COP 29; discipleship on an estate
October 2024
Israel-Palestine; responding to the Far Right
September 2024
Discipleship; the Bible; inadequate incomes
June, July, August 2024
The creativity of Ocean Church; Beyond Christian Zionism
May 2024
Rwanda; William Carey; Baptist crime novels
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