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How will you vote next year?

The Evangelical Alliance has launched a survey to find out, among other things, how evangelical Christians will be voting in the next general election and why. It is inviting the estimated two million evangelicals across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to participate in the poll.

VoteThe survey, running until the middle of September, examines the extent to which evangelicals are involved in politics, their views of politicians, issues of concern to them and how their Christian principles will influence their vote.

This year, national disenchantment saw a massive swing towards UKIP in council and European Union elections, while other surveys suggest that Christians may ‘punish’ the Conservatives for unpopular laws.

The question, says Steve Clifford, general director of the Evangelical Alliance, is whether this is typical among evangelicals or whether evangelicals are taking a different view.

'This survey seeks to find out which issues actually influence how evangelicals vote,' he said. 'Are they as disenchanted as the rest of the population? Do they pray about who to vote for? And do they have strong opinions about who Jesus would vote for if he lived in the UK today?

'The Evangelical Alliance is passionate about encouraging Christians to engage in public life, and this survey offers food for thought for all of us, who may not have stopped and thought in detail about why we vote how we do, or been encouraged by our churches to get involved in political issues.'

Picture: "Ballot Box" by taoty/freedigitalphotos.net
Baptist Times, 27/08/2014
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