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The Revd David Stanley Burnett Jones: 1923-2013

David died on the 26 January 2013 at the age of 89. He was born in 1923 in Kikiku Kenya where his parents were medical missionaries, his father a doctor and his mother a secretary. They returned to Southport in 1925 when his Dad took up a practice in the town. This was where David spent his childhood.
In 1941 he spent a year at Liverpool University studying and in 1942 having received the call to ministry he transferred to Spurgeons College and very soon in his year became sub editor of the Spurgeons College Magazine.

His first pastorate in 1947, like Charles Spurgeon's, was at Waterbeach where he spent three happy years, adding Landbeach to his responsibility in 1948. In 1950 he began his life long ministry in the North West of England when on his marriage to Edna they moved to Rochdale Road, Bury. They stayed until 1955 when he moved to Barrow in Furness and then in 1962 to Union Chapel, Fallowfield, Manchester.

During his ministry in Manchester he became Chaplain in the University and warden of of Linton House a hostel for students, many of them from overseas.

David kept contact with many of these students long after they left the University or Baptist College. In 1987 he served as moderator of the Lancashire and Cheshire Baptist Association. In 1983 having become interim moderator of Claremont Bolton he began his second ministry there and it was a very significant one in the life of the church where he remained inuntil his retirement in 1988.

Following the death of Edna in 1990 he met his second wife Anne in Nepal while visiting Baptist missionaries. Throughout his ministries David had a great commitment to the work of BMS. They were married in 1993 and enjoyed a very happy marriage living in Stockton Heath, Warrington and serving the lord together.

David was a very caring pastor and a a deeply thoughtful preacher. He continued after his retirement to preach in many of the Lancashire and Cheshire churches well into his 80s. He never lost his love for reading and seeking to increase his knowledge of the Bible and church history. He led house groups in his retirement in the churches at Hill Cliffe and Latchford where he held memberships. Indeed in the last months of his life he began an afternoon house group for prayer and study for the members of Latchford.

Above all He had a very real gift of leading public prayer in a way that was blessing to all who were present.

We thank God for his life and ministry.

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The Revd Pat Heap: 1938-2024
​'How anyone could be involved in so many activities was related to a deeply held faith, the Lord’s calling and a generous distribution of gifts for each task she was called to. And to her love and concern for people, which shone through her life’s work'
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The Revd Ronald (Ron) P.M.Marr: 1932–2024
Former Baptist minister, production editor and secretary of the Publications Committee at The Baptist Times
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