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The Persecuted Church in Iran 

The church in Iran is growing faster than any time in history

The persecuted Church in Iran
'In the last 33 years the number of Iranians that have come to Christ is more than ever in history,' said Mansour Borji, at a seminar on Supporting the Persecuted Church in Iran organised by SAT -7.

Mr Borji (pictured), an Iranian pastor who has lived in London the last 15 years, explained that only Armenian and Syrian churches were recognised by the Iranian government. These churches are not allowed to evangelise, baptise or conduct services in the main Iranian language, Farsi.

Rather than suppress Christianity this has led to a flourishing underground house church movement of Farsi-speaking Christians which now outnumber the government recognised churches.

The estimated number of Christians in Iran is 300,000 but the actual number could be much higher possibly up to a million.

'Where there is persecution, the grace of God is abundant,' said Mr Borji.

In the last three years over 300 believers have been arrested for being Christians with 22 still being detained. Punishments can range from six to eight years for holding a bible study in your home to the death sentence for apostasy.

The spiritual hunger in the country has led to people coming to Christ through visions. Many are risking their lives to get a copy of the bible from friends or attempt to transcribe the bible when it is broadcast on SAT-7’s Farsi speaking satellite television service SAT-7 PARS.

Those that attended the seminar were encouraged to write messages to Iranian Christians which will be broadcast on the channel. The situation was likened to the garden of Gethsemane with the church in the West as the sleeping disciples.

'The church in the Middle East is suffering and needs the Western church to ‘stay awake’ by praying for our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church.'

For more information, visit sat7uk.org.

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