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Reasons to Believe 

Christians should never be more ready to give a coherent response for their faith, particularly in an age where atheists are more aggressive

Reasons to believe 25 May 2012
Their attitude is as important as their words, but they can feel emboldened that science is increasingly backing them up. That's according to Hugh Ross, the founder of Reasons to Believe, a US organisation dedicated to discovering reasons that equip people to engage in the integration of science and Christian faith.

Hugh is a cosmologist by background who came to faith after becoming convinced of the existence of a creator from his scientific research.

He is in the UK to take part in the Unbelievable? conference, the day long event on Saturday hosted by Premier Christian Radio. Reasons to Believe is Premier's conference partner.

Referencing 1 Peter 3: 15-16, he said Christians should study and be ready to give a response - not just for others, but their own walk of faith. 

'Always be ready,' he said. 'It's my experience that people aren't because they are afraid they will be embarrassed.

'It's all about sharing faith. If you don't have an answer, you can always say I'll get back to you.

'And there is another reason - our character will be transformed through a ministry of evangelism. God could have sent the angels to proclaim his word, instead he is doing it through human beings, with all their flaws and faults.'

Hugh founded Reasons to Believe 26 years ago and said the rise of atheists like Richard Dawkins have made attacks on Christianity more aggressive.

However, in that time there has been 'ever-increasing evidence coming out of the world of science that continues to prove the existence of the God of the Bible as the only credible candidate for the creator of the universe'.

Christians who presented a positive case for their worldview, and an openness to discuss, were the ones who made a good impression, he said, adding that he had seen a number of atheist scientists convert to Christianity. 

'People listen to our demeanour, not just our words. We should be willing to put our belief system to the test.'

Lots of material is available at the Reasons to Believe website, matching the latest scientific research to scriptural reason to 'consistently support, rather than erode, confidence in the truth of the Bible and faith in the personal, transcendent God revealed in both Scripture and nature.'

Visit http://www.reasons.org

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