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Praying for the Union 

Thousands of people are expected to take part in a day of prayer for the Baptist Union of Great Britain on Sunday

BUGB organises day of prayer f
The day is timed to mark the period when most churches are meeting altogether for the first time since the summer.

In just over six weeks the webpage featuring the resources prepared specially for the day has received more than 3,500 hits.

These resources have been shared across emails, the internet and many social media platforms.

A Twitterfall page has been created to enable prayers or words received to be shared in the same place. This tweet aggregator, which automatically links tweets via the #BuGBPrayer hashtag, can be shown on church's projector screens to give a sense of conversation and the whole Union praying together.

In addition there is strong anecdotal evidence that many churches have committed to taking part.

Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Northampton is one church to have responded creatively to the call.

It is holding an evening of prayer on Saturday night, where it will incorporate prayer for its own church and mission with prayer for the wider union, using resources from the website. On Sunday it will take an offering for Home Mission.

Commenting on the importance of the day, minister the Revd Paul Lavender said, 'At a time of uncertainty prayer helps to centre our own ministry and mission in the life of God.'

BUGB general secretary the Revd Jonathan Edwards believes the Day of Prayer is a vital one in seeking God's guidance for the future. Task groups are meeting throughout the autumn, and November's Baptist Union Council will make detailed decisions about BUGB based on their recommendations.

'These are very challenging days for our nation in general and our Baptist union in particular,' Mr Edwards said.

'I am convinced that Baptists have a deep commitment to prayer but that we still need continual encouragement to keep on praying.
'I hope that the whole denomination will unite behind Sunday's Day of Prayer and that we will see amazing results from it.

'Let's pray for God's renewal of our life together and of our mission to the world.'

The Day of Prayer resources have been prepared by the Revd Geoff Andrews, regional minister team leader London Baptist Association, and are based around Revelation 3:14- 22.

Churches and individuals are encouraged to tweet prayers or words they have received under the #BUGBPrayer hashtag - or on the BUGB Facebook page.
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