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One Morning, Two AGMs 

The AGMs of BMS World Mission and the Baptist Union of Great Britain were held in the same session on Sunday morning

BMS World Mission began by presenting a balanced budget with 95p of every pound donated going to charitable activity.  Costs in the UK had decreased thanks in part to a reduction of staff by 15 per cent allowing them to invest more overseas.  

One morning two AGMs 06 May 20BMS general director the Revd David Kerrigan mentioned highlighted exciting developments he had heard about on a recent trip to meet with workers in Asia.  He said the work of BMS was as exciting and vital than ever before.  'The task of making Jesus known is as urgent as it has ever has been.'

BUGB reported that although there was a surplus in regards to annual expenditure against income in 2011 with 91.9 per cent of income going to charitable activity, there was a £643,000 reduction in income. This was put down to a drop in giving to the Home Mission appeal (despite it topping £4m for just the second time), as well as a large reduction in investments and legacies. 

The legal costs of last year's review of staff and ministers' pensions had cost £222,000.  There is now a deficit of approximately £685,000, the highest in the Union's history, said treasurer Malcolm Broad.

One morning two AGMs 06 May 20BUGB general secretary, the Revd Jonathan Edwards, recognised that it had been a challenging year, not only with the financial difficulties the Union was facing but also the closure of The Baptist Times print edition and Baptist festival, Leading Edge. 

He was hopeful for the future though because of the 'endless illustrations of creativity' that he has seen across the country. 'We will find an exciting and creative way through the challenges we face,' he said.

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