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'I believe in preaching' - David Coffey 

I believe in preaching- David

'I am convinced that the health of a church is intimately related to the quality of the preaching'

So says the Revd Dr David Coffey OBE. The former BUGB general secretary and Baptist World Alliance president and now BMS global ambassador has been speaking about his upcoming preaching master class at this year's Baptist Assembly in Blackpool (3-6 May).

'I believe in preaching. I began preaching over 50 years ago and after some time of national and international ministry I have returned to serving with a local church.

'At its best, biblical preaching is an event empowered by the Holy Spirit to form Christ-like disciples into a Christian community that is spiritually equipped to serve the world.'

The three-hour afternoon seminar at the Norbreck Castle Hotel on Saturday 4 May will be in two halves. David will start by sharing some basic building blocks before delegates divide into two groups.

The first group will look at preaching in a one-year-old church plant and a three-year old café church, with a presentation on using 'mind mapping' in 
place of traditional sermon notes.

The second group will look at three topics: '3D preaching' and women, an expository preaching of Philippians today and the shaping the life of a church through preaching.

Joining David to lead the master class are seven expert speakers: Andy Caldwell, senior minister at Mutley Baptist Church, Plymouth, and an enthusiast for 'mind mapping' sermons; Steve and Jo-Ann Gaunt of Vale Community Church, who have pioneered a café church in Bedfordshire; Joe Haward, an evangelist who started a 'church from scratch' in Newton Abbot; Rupert Lazar, who ministered in multi-cultural West Croydon for 17 years before becoming pastor at East Barnet two years ago; Dianne Tidball, regional minister team leader for the East Midlands Baptist Association, who will consider the unique ministry of the woman preacher; and Derek Tidball, former Principal of the London School of Theology who will look at expository preaching of Philippians today.

'I understand the pain of the weekly grind of sermon preparation but believe there are disciplines that can be acquired to enrich our preaching and bless a patient congregation,' says David.

'There are diverse preaching styles, different ways to prepare and deliver a sermon, and the context where preaching occurs varies.
'My team of seven friends represent this diversity, and there will be a generous sharing of ideas for busy preachers.'

For more information on the Baptist Assembly go to: http://www.baptistassembly.org.uk/

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