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Ernie lays down Challenging Agenda for Presidential Year 

Ernie Whalley has promised to bring some 'Northern straight talk' to the role of BUGB President when he takes on the role next year

Ernie lays down challenging ag
On a podcast to promote the Baptist Assembly in Blackpool next year, he says he wants to ask challenging questions to the small churches in the BUGB. 'In these challenging times if we really believe God has called us to be who we are, we have to be ready to embrace radical change and to take risks. The tough questions I have been asking churches, if current trends continue, where will your church be in 10 years time?

The former regional team leader of the Yorkshire Baptist Association believes that confidence in the gospel is the key to the survival of churches. 'I want to point to our confidence in the gospel. We must never lose sight of that. We are not just another local club birdwatching or squash or whatever, good as they maybe. We are in Christ, we are following after one that died and rose again, and we are seeking to live out those kingdom values and to tell his story in the marketplace.'

Mr Whalley believes that setting up teams to work across churches could help them in their mission. 'I have a vision for more teams across churches, for mission, evangelism, or community development, for youth and many other aspects to inspire, challenge and support one another and to experiment on the edge with people on the margins. But all these changes will fail if we lose sight that we have a life transforming gospel and we need a spirit filled conviction that this gospel still transforms.'

To listen to the podcast click here: http://bit.ly/U6g2C9

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    Posted: 08/12/2023